day2013 發表於 2023-12-13 00:16

《Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell》霧中潛行

導演 : Thien An Pham

主演 : Le Phong Vu, Dylan Besseau, Vu Ngoc Manh, Nguyen Thinh, Nguyen Thi Truc Quynh

越南上映日期: 2023年08月11日
美國上映日期: 2024年01月19日
台灣上映日期: 2024年

    The sudden death of his sister-in-law brings unexpected responsibilities to Thien (Le Phong Vu), who is reluctantly tasked with bringing his five-year-old nephew Dao to their countryside hometown. On the road, Thien is drawn into a search for his long-missing older brother, haunted and spurred forward by a series of sublime dreams that reignite suppressed memories, forbidden desires, and specters of his own youth. What began as a journey home becomes a pilgrimage marked by visual splendor and mystical overtones, a quest for understanding and certainty in a Vietnam that seems unable to provide any clear answers. As Thien battles with the existential question of what is worth living for, Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell interrogates the persistence and complexity of faith, not only in the spiritual but in the delicate beauty of earthly existence.

day2013 發表於 2023-12-13 00:17
頁: [1]
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