day2013 發表於 2023-11-23 19:53

물귀신《水鬼》Bottom of the Water

導演 : 金志勳

主演 : 朴善惠, 朴蘭, 尹伊萊, Lee Hye-yeon, 申東力

韓國上映日期: 2023年11月09日
台灣上映日期: 2023年12月08日

   The evil spirit of a child who died unjustly while waiting for his mother alone. As her younger sister Soo-ah is attacked, she and her family suffer for a long time. Her mother Geum-jeong, a spiritual shaman, was in charge of the five elements' energy. She tried to use her coexistence and antipathy to escape from the water ghost, but in the end, Soo-ah disappears into the cold, deep water, and the lives of her remaining family fall apart. Then one day, Ga-yeong went to find her mother who suddenly disappeared. She heads to the reservoir that swallowed Soo-ah, where she discovers a mysterious body. Ga-yeong is chased by a terrible evil spirit that takes the form of her dead brother.......

day2013 發表於 2023-11-23 19:53
頁: [1]
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