DragonI 發表於 2023-11-6 12:54

[己售] 李小龍全集Blu-Ray - Criterion Collection

本帖最後由 DragonI 於 2023-11-10 21:25 編輯

Criterion Collection發行


1) 唐山大兄
2) 精武門
3) 猛龍過江
4) 龍爭虎鬥
5) 死亡遊戲

• 4K digital restorations of The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, The Way of the Dragon, and Game of Death, with uncompressed original monaural soundtracks
• New 2K digital restoration of the rarely seen 99-minute 1973 theatrical version of Enter the Dragon, with uncompressed original monaural soundtrack
• New 2K digital restoration of the 102-minute “special-edition” version of Enter the Dragon, with alternate 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack
• Alternate soundtracks for the films, including original English-dubbed tracks
• Six audio commentaries: on The Big Boss by Bruce Lee expert Brandon Bentley; on The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, The Way of the Dragon, and Game of Death by Hong Kong–film expert Mike Leeder; and on the special-edition version of Enter the Dragon by producer Paul Heller
• High-definition presentation of the 1981 film Game of Death II
• Game of Death Redux, a new presentation of Lee’s original Game of Death footage, produced by Alan Canvan
• New interviews on all five films with Lee biographer Matthew Polly
• New interview with producer Andre Morgan about Golden Harvest, the company behind Hong Kong’s top martial-arts stars, including Lee
• New program about English-language dubbing, featuring performers Michael Kaye (the English-speaking voice of Lee’s Chen Zhen in Fist of Fury) and Vaughan Savidge
• New interview with author Grady Hendrix about the “Bruceploitation” subgenre that followed Lee’s death, and a selection of Bruceploitation trailers
• Blood and Steel, a 2004 documentary about the making of Enter the Dragon
• Multiple programs and documentaries about Lee’s life and philosophies, including Bruce Lee: The Man and the Legend (1973) and Bruce Lee: In His Own Words (1998)
• Interviews with Linda Lee Cadwell, Lee’s widow, and many of Lee’s collaborators and admirers, including actors Jon T. Benn, Riki Hashimoto, Nora Miao, Robert Wall, Yuen Wah, and Simon Yam and directors Clarence Fok, Sammo Hung, and Wong Jing
• Promotional materials
• New English subtitle translations and subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
• PLUS: An essay by critic Jeff Chang

DragonI 發表於 2023-11-10 21:25

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查看完整版本: [己售] 李小龍全集Blu-Ray - Criterion Collection

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