有冇人試過用Pioneer MCACC software?
有冇人試過用Pioneer MCACC software? 搞左成晚都唔得我部notebook 冇rs232 port..所以買個左rs232->usb 既adptor..選岩com port都output唔到d資料去pc..有冇師兄有用過? 我試個用usb->serial都係唔得. 我仲突登搬部amp入房, 試下用desktop既serial port..都係唔得..係唔係set錯d咩?
選岩com, 接收唔到..彈左句Time occurred出黎. Have you tried a cross-over serial cable as the manual stated? 出面買既都係指明DB-9線, 又冇講係唔係cross-over type既..唔知點買呢種線呢? 出面買既都係指明DB-9線, 又冇講係唔係cross-over type既..唔知點買呢種線呢?
weeps1584 發表於 2010-4-13 01:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Cross-over serial cable is sometimes referred as "Null Modem" cable.It's for direct connection between two PCs using RS232 port.I think it's not difficult to find it in SSP.