day2013 發表於 2023-9-14 07:50

《Lion Girl 唐獅子仮面》Tori Griffith, Damian Toofeek Raven

本帖最後由 day2013 於 2023-9-14 07:52 編輯

導演 : 光武蔵人

主演 : Tori Griffith, Damian Toofeek Raven, David Sakurai, Shelby Lee Parks, Matt Standley, Joey Iwanaga, Derek Mears

美國上映日期: 2023年
日本上映日期: 2023年

    In the year 20XX, humanity has almost come to an end. A tsunami of meteors bombarded the entire planet; remaining survivors are forced to kill for food and power. The meteorites contained a mysterious material causing certain death to anyone who encounters it. But in very rare cases, some humans survive the exposure and undergo a metamorphosis into horrific “meteorite beasts”. People call them 'ANOROC'. These new beings hunt and kill humans for their lifeforce and have become the enemy humanity has ever known. The Earth has one last defender against ANOROC; her name is 'LION-GIRL'.

補充內容 (2023-11-20 17:55):
美國上映日期: 2023年11月07日 (DVD and Blu-ray)
日本上映日期: 2024年01月26日

BBA81 發表於 2023-11-20 17:49


day2013 發表於 2023-11-20 17:59

day2013 發表於 2023-11-20 18:00

day2013 發表於 2024-1-18 15:31
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