Netflix: Wham! documentary is really wow to enjoy and recall 1980's music scene!
本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2023-8-6 00:08 編輯Wham!: Where Did Your Heart Go? {:8_400:}
This latest Netflix WHAM! music documentary really MALE IT BIG to recall such a talented British Pop music star journey of George Michael, who is definitely destined to be a successful music icon to be remembered; as you may see he was the first British pop band allowed to hold concert in China as early as those primitive 1980's year.
杜德偉: 只想留下 {:8_400:}
WOW! What a laughable joke!{:8_381:}
I bet someone just started a joke instead of killing you seriously with this song! {:8_393:}
It is very funny to hear this blind faith of simply covering an English pop hit just for the purpose of a Cantonese version with such awkward lyrics, unharmonious wordings, and uncomfortable listening feeling?{:8_386:}
I wonder how many take that singer was recording this song correctly with that awkward lyrics? {:8_365:}
The listening experience is that both lyrics and melody are against each other like both of the vocal singing and instrumental are splitting into two left and right channels separately?{:8_376:} 本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2023-8-26 16:37 編輯
George Michael: Careless Whisper {:8_400:}
When you are talented, young, and free, the world is really your oyster to explore! {:8_376:}
梅艷芳: 夢幻的擁抱 {:8_397:}
Wonder if tomboys really like her kind of look? {:8_365:}
戴志偉哥哥而家睇返自己同佢跳個舞都好榮幸啦! {:8_364:}
另外80年代最流行女性外套墊膊墊到好似雷球員! {:8_390:}
西城秀樹: 抱きしめてジルバ {:8_400:}
Do you think he is successful because of his good singing skills or just handsome look more?
蔡國權: 無心快語 {:8_400:}
Wish him healthy and always getting better to live! {:8_400:}
80年代最流行用激光! 呢個場景好似係尖沙咀新港中心地庫 Apollo 18 的士高, 那些年你生日, 話畀 DJ 聽, 佢會用激光打你個名祝你生日快樂 {:8_364:}
甄妮: 忍痛說謊 {:8_397:}
Wham!: Everything She Wants{:8_371:} {:8_400:}
Wham!: Bad Boys{:8_400:} {:8_397:} {:8_400:}
Feel so rebel yelling sound!{:8_364:}