ernietse 發表於 2023-7-27 10:14

Sadly pay tribute to Sinéad O'Connor aged 56 died 26JULY2023

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2023-8-4 17:12 編輯

Sinéad O'Connor: Nothing Compares 2 U {:8_397:}

Sadly to say goodbye temporarily to her for our illusionary earthy life, although she is a full of controversies public figure, anyway she left us so many influential pop music impressing us a lot!{:8_376:}

Wish her all the best to proceed to a better next musical life to enjoy eternal journey!{:8_364:}

Prince: Nothing Compares 2 U {:8_400:}

Finally they can sing together in heaven now! {:8_381:}

CDROMRW 發表於 2023-7-28 14:17

Sinead O'Connor 隻碟畀我同事用嚟女友(老婆?),一去無回頭{:6_124:}

ernietse 發表於 2023-7-28 23:53

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2023-7-29 00:00 編輯

CDROMRW 發表於 2023-7-28 14:17
Sinead O'Connor 隻碟畀我同事用嚟女友(老婆?),一去無回頭

Bob:Marley's 'War': performed by Sinéad o'Connor!{:8_369:}

After all those years, we finally know if Pope John Paul II is always right or shamefully wrong about his abuse.{:8_376:}

Sinead O'Connor: War' live at the Bob Dylan Tribute. {:8_397:}

Due to persistent noise from the crowd, she changed her mind to singing WAR instead of "I believe in you"!{:8_378:}

Sinéad O'Connor Explains Tearing Pope Photo on SNL (Flashback) {:8_381:}

Sadly, Sinead died so early that she could not be helping another single mother-like public figure lately (once publicly seen as a famous television news reporter, extremely unbelievably wealthy incompatible with her deemed working income, but just a lonely biological mother by appearance), who looked like not only she was being abused or indulged herself intentionally when she was originally preparing an in-depth Very Important attaché interview, so as to enjoy such a self-planned abuse honorably; but also breeding hard mutually physically, erotically, and spiritually for multiple whole-hearted dedication trials, to ensure such a romantic essence was crystalized out to be a baby boy, achieving the humanity luck for uploading such the survival of the fitness selfie proudly, while it is super difficult for the general public to guess correctly who is the dedicating unselfishly physically hard-working real father for grace.

ernietse 發表於 2023-7-31 23:12

Sinéad O Connor: Sacrifice {:8_397:}

Her version is very calming to relieve your daily pressure! {:8_364:}
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