catboy 發表於 2023-7-16 21:14


avsuperman 發表於 2023-7-16 22:00

GaRyShum@G 發表於 2023-7-16 20:32


GaRyShum@G 發表於 2023-7-16 22:18

avsuperman 發表於 2023-7-16 22:00


avsuperman 發表於 2023-7-16 22:42

GaRyShum@G 發表於 2023-7-16 22:18

見淘宝價一樣,至驚係型号Up grade,用料Down grade,而行水分別唔知有幾多,宜家玩行3000,正價8千頭

GaRyShum@G 發表於 2023-7-16 22:58

avsuperman 發表於 2023-7-16 22:42
見淘宝價一樣,至驚係型号Up grade,用料Down grade,而行水分別唔知有幾多,宜家玩行3000,正價8千頭 ...

用料方面我唔係好識,但就見粒U由六核變四核,3000行貨依家唔使8千頭啦,但就見price 5000行7千幾,反而其實我最有興趣想知部UHD3000同neo alpha兩部機聲畫會爭幾遠就真

Ep-71 發表於 2023-7-17 12:15

avsuperman 發表於 2023-7-16 22:42
見淘宝價一樣,至驚係型号Up grade,用料Down grade,而行水分別唔知有幾多,宜家玩行3000,正價8千頭 ...


kit323 發表於 2023-7-17 13:53

Ep-71 發表於 2023-7-17 12:15


littlefat69 發表於 2023-7-17 13:57

avsuperman 發表於 2023-7-16 18:06
依部無用過,之前玩碟片係三部,先鋒LX800,Oppo203同埋杰科即係你問到嘅5500大佬5800(已買走),宜家主力 ...


:o) 發表於 2023-7-18 01:10

GIEC5500好呀,機價唔高仲可以外掛字幕讀BDMV/iso. file

josephpoon0506 發表於 2023-8-10 11:32

avsuperman 發表於 2023-7-16 22:42
見淘宝價一樣,至驚係型号Up grade,用料Down grade,而行水分別唔知有幾多,宜家玩行3000,正價8千頭 ...

分享Article from zidoo forum


The HW changes of RTD1619BPD in a nutshell compared with equivalent RTD1619DR based models:
All standard models got HW upgraded to the latest Realtek SOC with an upgrade for the Processor chip, CPU/GPU, RAM and Flash. This brings the following to all new models:
+ The Media Processor is revised and supports new CODEC's: AV1, HEVC
The VS10 engine works on EDID basis now adopting to the multiple HDR modes, also downscaling HDR to SDR was improved.
+ The CPU/GPU got a performance boost of a claimed 20%+ (only 4-cores but these are faster)
+ The HDMI interface is upgraded to HDMI v2.1 for e.g. 4K 60Hz with HDR output
+ The Wireless module is upgraded to BT5.2 and WiFi 6 with 802.11ax MIMO OFDM
+ The Android version is upgraded to Android 11
+ RAM is now 4 Gbyte and Flash was doubled (32 GByte and 64 Gbyte UHD5000)
- The HDMI Input ports have been discontinued]
- Number of USB3 ports 2x ==> 1x

The actual model replacements:
Z9X ==> Z9X PRO
Z10 PRO ==> Z20 PRO
Z1000 PRO ==> Z2000 PRO
Z1000 PRO ==> Z2600 PRO (+ dual HDMI outputs + extra USB2 port at the back)
UHD3000 ==> UHD5000

Having a setup supporting all HDR modes there is hardly an improvement in PQ but relying on the VS10 engine for some or all modes then the BPD upgrade can make a difference.

The HW changes of RTD1619DR in a nutshell compared with equivalent RTD1296 based models:
All models share the same motherboard (except UHD3000) but unused connectors/components are deleted per model.

The standard PSU shipped by Zidoo was changed to an universal type with easy changeable regional power grid plugs.

Power calculations at 12V 2A =24W peak power with the new standard brick type PSU:
- USB2 max 2.5W per port
- USB3 max 4W per port
- SATA internal/external is about 10W average per 3.5 HDD and above 15W when starting up.
- System is about 7W sustained when running APPs
I personally don't like PSU's running above 50% continuous load as they tend to (over)heat, produce rippled output and fail early over time.
Solved this myself by moving to a shared 2x 12V 5A Linear Power Supply instead of using many small brick/powerplug type adapters:
Using an 4A 12V Earthed power supply is recommended by me for Z9X and Z10 Pro. That will also allow plug&play HDD's (doing a safe "Eject/Unmount" obviously).

Model Z9X:
- The color changed but the same non-removable antennas remained (matching color)
- One SATA connector was deleted and replaced by air holes for cooling
- The PSU was reduced regarding size to 12V 2A (was 3A) which will now just do with one SATA HDD connected. There is no spare power specifically if USB ports are loaded too.

Model Z10 Pro
- The color changed, the striping was deleted and the Zidoo logo on the front Raised / 3D look.
- The PSU was reduced regarding size to 12V 2A (was 3A) which will now just do with one SATA HDD connected.
- The Flash was increased to 32 GByte
There is no spare power left specifically if USB ports are fully loaded too or a second SATA HDD is connected (don't try a hot HDD swap under those conditions). I highly recommend to replace the PSU with a 12V 4A (earthed) unit when using this model with 2x SATA HDD"s.
Other specifications remained identical.

Model Z1000 Pro
- The model was upgraded to be a High End (like X20 before) including the fancy Black GUI/Launcher home page.
- The standard V7 IR Remote was replaced by the V8 BT Remote coming with High End models
- The Flash was increased to 32 GByte
Other specifications remained the same: Excellent internal earthed 12V 5A PSU, internal antennas and the fancy sturdy chassis in black. This PSU will remain within the safety region under all foreseeable conditions. Audio and Video quality will (potentially) benefit from it too.

Model UHD3000
This model went through a big number of changes despite looking almost the same as the UHD2000 before:
- The PSU is actually a hybrid 66W version now: Switched mode for the HDD's power and a Linear PSU with subsections for DAC digital, DAC analog and mainboard electronics sharing a single transformer. Reducing power consumption / heat production.
- The cooling fan moved from the back to central at the bottom improving airflow
- The front display got an extra ICON for DAC on/off indication
- The DAC and PSU where upgraded to better designs and using better components.
- The SABRE DAC itself is upgraded to an ES9068 supporting MQA decoding in HW now
- An USB-IN port for external DAC access was added
- The USB3c port on UHD2000 is now degraded to just a regular USB3 and HDMI-IN was dropped

These 4 models share the same RTD1619DR SOC and FW features remain identical.
UHD3000 has a modified motherboard dealing with its bigger 4GByte RAM and DAC panel interface. The new CPU/GPU will boot in 20-25 seconds which is very fast. A new FW is installed including boot within two and a half minutes from USB. In fact it is fast enough to run some popular games on it. Won't do that myself but it is a possibility.

The new Neo model series: A, S and X models
This is a totally new top end HiFi model series and not a successor of a previous generation models. They are specifically meant for those using their media players also for music playing and specifically enable doing so with the TV being off or not even connected at all.
They all have:
- A 50W+ dual PSU being hybrid with Neo A and Neo S and dual linear with Neo X
- Having a 5-inch touch control OLED Front Panel and designed to work without a TV connected. The Neo X front panel can also be controlled by front panel buttons.
- Include external DAC access via USB, SPDIF and not unimportant also high definition BT.
- The total chassis functions as a huge heatsink. Only the Neo X has a (superfluous) small fan at the back.
- They are all very sturdy, good looking and well designed also looking inside. Neo S and X have odd sizing with the depth being bigger than its width but Neo A is standard 19"rack sized.

Neo X (End Of Sales)
It comes with only 2GByte RAM and 16 GByte of Flash, has no HDMI-in and no 2nd HDMI output port. It is the best in the Neo series regarding: DAC design, DAC connectivity, PSU build, Front Panel control and integrated Headphone amplifier. It used to be the flagship of Zidoo and Audio wise still is in my perception.

Neo S
This is a downscaled model X regarding design and size but functionally remaining mostly identical. It lacks front panel button control and comes with far simpler PSU, DAC and Phone Amplifier designs. It also uses a standard motherboard.

Neo A(lpha)
It is positioned as the new flagship model. Regard this the optimal merger of the good old UHD3000 and the recent Neo S/X with the standard 19" rack looks in black. It inherited the most critical high end DAC components from Neo X. Finally it got an unique SACD DSD capable 2CH/MCH secondary HDMI Audio/DSD output.

The Black GUI/Launcher (updated with FW 6.3.0)
High-End Zidoo models come with a different GUI/Launcher on the home menu. Being really graphical with nice backgrounds it looks very fancy and may appeal to many.
With the FW update the functionality has now come on par with the standard GUI:
- The Weather APP is available as an option in Quick Setup
- Moving cursor down the quick launch bar was added to configure favourite APP's.
- Pressing on Menu within the APP's menu also here the App version is now displayed.

PQ with 4K HDR => SDR viewed on a Full HD (1080P) TV
This used to be thus far the weakest aspect of the Realtek SOC's. Watched a few movies this way and I must say with a nice PQ. Used the VS10 engine as it gave me a better PQ than with standard SOC conversion, which was not that bad either. :)

Picture Quality and Audio Quality
In general the PQ is excellent and for sure somewhat better than with RTD1296 models. Not a huge improvement but definitely there.
According Markswift2003 detailed pattern testing: "It renders colors accurately in both standard and wide colour gamuts, it has excellent chroma alignment and is virtually free from chroma banding, especially in VS10 modes".

Audio supports the same formats and being output in RAW via HDMI there are no changes in quality for movie playback. The same applies to quality for Music Audio. Functional changes are ongoing progress made with Music Player 6. There is one noticeable exception being 2CH playback of MCH SACD ISO's which now works smooth due to the increase in CPU power.

Music Player 6 gapless playback is now implemented on all models by default and without On/Off optional setting. You also can aggregated full albums to single FLAC files with CUE sheets. I used to do so myself for Live recording mainly using the excellent Windows XRECODE3 program for that. Use that same program to convert MCH SACD ISO's to individual MCH FLAC's with CUE sheets too.
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