Apple TV 播Netflix 問題
偶然用Apple TV 播Netflix 會出現呢個畫面 (呢排特經過出現),但個account 冇其它裝置播緊Netflix , 呢個畫面什至會hang 住出唔到去Apple TV 桌面,要隔幾個鐘,什至第二晚再開Apple TV 至冇問題,而同一時間,用電腦app, 手機app 同iPad Netflix app 冇呢個問題,請問係咪Apple TV 個Netflix app 問題有bug.thx你會唔會同一時間太多人一齊用呀??? 本帖最後由 LeoChin@FB 於 2023-7-14 17:07 編輯
Deleted littlefat69 發表於 2023-7-14 16:59
唔會, 因為Ipad, PC 同 手機 都 OK 本帖最後由 allen89 於 2023-7-14 19:00 編輯
Netflix Error 3-5006
If you experience the error code 3-5006, often accompanied by the following message:
Too many people are using the account
If you've shared your Netflix account with friends or family, they may be using Netflix while you're trying to watch. The number of account users that can stream at the same time will depend on your Netflix plan. You can see the limit for your account, as well as other plan options, on the Change Plan page.
Solution: Make sure that no one else is using your account before trying to stream again.
If you're not sure what other device was streaming, check your recent Viewing Activity. (If your account has multiple profiles, make sure you check the Viewing Activity for each one). If you see anything you don't recognize, follow our steps in Someone is using my Netflix account without my permission.
Playback was suddenly interrupted
Netflix detects that playback has stopped when you finish a TV show or movie or press Stop on the Netflix player. If playback is interrupted by a connectivity or power failure while a title is still streaming, Netflix may not receive the message that playback has stopped. In that case, trying to play a movie or TV show again will result in an additional Netflix stream, which counts against your stream limit.
Solution: The error message will go away on its own, but it may take up to 2 hours.
可以參考不同級別之可觀看裝置 根本就係平果夾n記嘅問題,呢類提示畫面,我久唔久都會出現,不過唔係使用者數量之嘛 我多數出現呢個畫面/訊息 LeoChin@FB 發表於 2023-7-15 18:33
師兄,code 11819唔同情況。可能重設atv便正常。
Netflix Error -11819
If you experience the error code -11819, it typically points to information stored on your device that needs to be refreshed. Follow the troubleshooting steps for your device below to resolve the issue.
Apple TV
Restart your device
Turn off your device. If your device has a power cable, unplug it.
Make sure your device is completely off, not just in sleep or standby mode.
Leave your device off for 15 seconds.
Turn on your device and try Netflix again. allen89 發表於 2023-7-15 19:11
師兄,code 11819唔同情況。可能重設atv便正常。
Netflix Error -11819