501xx 發表於 2023-5-12 18:15

Doobie brothers 名作 Captain & me

最近逛唱片店,又唔覺意買咗隻Doobie Brothers既CD,呢隻碟叫《Captain & Me 》,係美國70年代既搖滾樂隊,類似Eagle果類軟搖滾,佢哋D歌都其實聴落幾爽吓,結他聲紮實夠功架,第二首Long train running、第三首China grove都好聴。其餘D中慢板歌曲,結他聲都錄得非常之動聽,比起Eagle,小弟覺得真係一D都唔會輸蝕,D鼓聲都好勁抽吓。建議有機會便要搵嚟聴吓。

501xx 發表於 2023-5-12 18:25


501xx 發表於 2023-5-12 19:03

Doobie brothers啱啱先係日本開完50周年記念演唱會,呢張C D算係比歌迷一個紀念之作。厚厚的雙封套。

ernietse 發表於 2023-5-12 20:09

501xx 發表於 2023-5-12 19:03
Doobie brothers啱啱先係日本開完50周年記念演唱會,呢張C D算係比歌迷一個紀念之作。厚厚的雙封套。 ...

The Doobie Brothers: You Belong to Me (live in Budokan, Tokyo, Japan, 2023.4.17){:8_374:} {:8_374:} {:8_374:} {:8_374:} {:8_381:} {:8_381:} {:8_381:} {:8_381:}

Sadly they are now really sound like very old batteries with damaged voices and slowly jazzy lacking of pop energy musical arrangement to me! {:8_367:}


The Doobie Brothers: You Belong to Me (Live at the Greek Theater, 1982) {:8_400:} {:8_400:} {:8_400:} {:8_400:} {:8_400:} {:8_400:} {:8_400:} {:8_400:}

You can see and feel the strong vibes of all time high difference comparing 41 years ago! {:8_379:}


501xx 發表於 2023-5-12 20:51

ernietse 發表於 2023-5-12 20:09
The Doobie Brothers: You Belong to Me (live in Budokan, Tokyo, Japan, 2023.4.17) {:8_3 ...


ernietse 發表於 2023-5-12 21:00

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2023-5-14 11:48 編輯

Carly Simon: You Belong to Me (Live On The Queen Mary 2) {:8_397:}

She still has more energy and better vibes to to impress you!{:8_376:}


Carly Simon: You Belong To Me (Album version)

I like her studio version the most with good vocal + detailed instrumental arrangement! {:8_364:}


501xx 發表於 2023-5-13 09:38

之前原本想買Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab出果個SACD hybrid版本,但可惜要成3舊幾水。最後都係冇入到,見呢隻MQA版本平平哋只係2舊多DD,又好似幾抵玩。如果有MQA解碼,仲可以爆開24bit 176khz。

gamma 發表於 2023-5-13 10:53

ernietse 發表於 2023-5-12 21:00
Carly Simon: You Belong to Me (Live On The Queen Mary 2)

She still has more energy and b ...

i like you're so vain.

老咗氣差少少, 舊嘅錄音,就算有mqa扶持我覺得期望都唔好太高

ernietse 發表於 2023-5-13 12:22

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2023-5-14 11:37 編輯

gamma 發表於 2023-5-13 10:53
i like you're so vain.

老咗氣差少少, 舊嘅錄音,就算有mqa扶持我覺得期望都唔好太高 ...

Carly Simon: You're So Vain {:8_397:}

this SACD layer sounds very clear and high definition!{:8_364:}


林憶蓮: 最佳男主角 {:8_397:}


gamma 發表於 2023-5-13 14:05

ernietse 發表於 2023-5-13 12:22
Carly Simon: You're So Vain

this SACD layer sounds very clear and high definition!{: ...

你唔講我真係唔知原來有sandy 版,不過都係中意carly simon 獨有風格同唱腔
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查看完整版本: Doobie brothers 名作 Captain & me

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