《Cadejo Blanco》 Pamela Martínez, Karen Martínez
導演 : Justin Lerner主演 : Karen Martinez, Rudy Rodríguez, Pamela Martínez, Brandon López, Juan Pablo Olyslager, René Guirola Patzán
危地馬拉上映日期: 2022年05月19日
美國上映日期: 2023年04月21日
Sarita goes out dancing one night at the insistence of her free-spirited sister, Bea. Uncharacteristically, Sarita dances the night away, heading home alone when the party drags on too late. The next morning, after calling friends and neighbors, Sarita begins to panic when she realizes that Bea never made it home. The police are indifferent and unhelpful, but Sarita suspects that Bea's disappearance has something to do with Andrés, her sister's dangerous ex. Realizing she must take matters into her own hands, Sarita finds a way to befriend him and infiltrate his gang. With an unwavering determination, Sarita becomes increasingly involved with Andrés and the ruthless, violent underworld of Guatemalan street gangs.
https://www.filmmovement.com/userFiles/uploads/films/cadejo-blanco/cadejo-blanco_poster.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfouvYSHAS0 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVeOAkDX0AAfn7b?format=jpg&name=large https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkUdlxuguqA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wxftzkrlGM