day2013 發表於 2023-4-10 16:30

《แสงกระสือ 2》Inhuman Kiss 2

導演 : Paphangkorn Punchantarak

主演 : Noi- Krissada Clapp, Ning- Chanya McClory, Joe Cummings, JJ- Kritsanapoom Pibulsonggram, Peter-Nopachai Chaiyanam

泰國上映日期: 2023年03月30日
新加坡上映日期: 2023年04月20日
馬來西亞上映日期: 2023年05月11日

    Thirty years after the Khok E Nuan village Krasue incident, a new love story between a human and a krasue is about to begin again. “Noi”(played by Noi- Krissada Clapp) and his daughter, “Sao” (played by Ning- Chanya McClory)who was infected by a krasue which led to Noi working with “Father Augustine”(played by Joe Cummings) to invent a cure extracted from the “Waan Krasue” plant. When Sao inevitably met “Cloud” (played by JJ- Kritsanapoom Pibulsonggram), Father Augustine's adopted son who was born with an abnormal biological condition, their love began to bloom just as the krasue's in Sao's body grew stronger. One day, a foreign investor hired “Phan” ( played by Peter-Nopachai Chaiyanam), an ex-soldier, to capture the elusive female krasue. Will Sao be able to escape from Phan's clutches?

day2013 發表於 2023-4-10 16:30

day2013 發表於 2023-4-10 16:36

day2013 發表於 2023-4-10 16:38

day2013 發表於 2023-4-10 16:39

day2013 發表於 2023-4-10 16:41

day2013 發表於 2023-4-10 16:42

day2013 發表於 2023-4-10 16:43
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