ronaldlaw 發表於 2007-12-10 15:17

原帖由 威廉 於 2007-12-10 14:27 發表
this one is 4g.. 8g will be more expensive... around 3-4k for sure...
DPP can be install for windows and macs.. linux not sure @@

Can PS install into linux ?    Sorry it's too many questions.

威廉 發表於 2007-12-10 17:13

photoshop not sure.. but there are other software like GIMP.. are freeware tha can be used in linux..

i wouldn't edit a picture in EEEPC.. too small... as long as you can view them i think its ok

ronaldlaw 發表於 2007-12-11 00:48

回復 #12 威廉 的帖子

今日落咗ssp見到真身, 好膠同埋個mon真係好細:Q

radhk 發表於 2007-12-13 09:18


可以既話去旅行當digital wallet 都唔錯.

威廉 發表於 2007-12-13 10:21

原帖由 radhk 於 2007-12-13 09:18 發表

可以既話去旅行當digital wallet 都唔錯.

I suggest to plug a usb harddisk ..

the harddisk in EEEPC is SSD

ronaldlaw 發表於 2007-12-13 10:38

回復 #14 radhk 的帖子

I'm also thinking of it.
if add 2.5" harddisk + change to window, it will cost almost 5k which can have normal notebook...   In the end, it's size matter.

小瑟 發表於 2007-12-13 11:15

呢個可唔可以自己加一般 2.5"既GD都成問題, 因為佢 CONFIG本身係行 SSD HD, 一般 HD未必岩用呢~~~

威廉 發表於 2007-12-13 13:56

都係個句啦... 一拆機就冇warranty~~~

radhk 發表於 2007-12-13 13:59

原帖由 ronaldlaw 於 2007-12-13 10:38 發表
I'm also thinking of it.
if add 2.5" harddisk + change to window, it will cost almost 5k which can have normal notebook...   In the end, it's size matter.

harddisk就好平, 不過外加harddisk就唔多方便. :L

lkljason 發表於 2007-12-13 14:24

我而家果個都係外置,show far usb插頭夠既話都無乜問題既
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