surekot 發表於 2023-3-9 00:15

Dirac Live 集中討論

本帖最後由 surekot 於 2023-3-16 23:22 編輯

Dirac Live Room Correction Suite 用折扣碼BC2023 30% off until 22-Mar-2023.

有新野Bundle 好似唔錯

surekot 發表於 2023-3-9 19:06

我想請教有冇師兄用緊Dirac Live? 是否整體會有明顯提升?

leroy76 發表於 2023-3-10 11:14

本帖最後由 leroy76 於 2023-3-10 16:35 編輯

我是DIRAC用家,用緊DIRAC及她的bass management software!

首先,我係一個想用room correction便已經能達至自己滿意效果的用家,而對於聲學,一個沒有標準的課題,要自己去學EQ調教看似很漫長的道路。所以一直留意及研究市場上的room correction software。第一個接觸的是audyssey,使用後有點失望,更令我對市場room correction的software產生懷疑。


於是我繼續去留意及研究,除了手動EQ,亦包括其它的room correction software ,trinnov,lyngdorf,acurus,anthem,arcam,emotiva,lexicon,momoprice,dataset,stormaudio等等,而我發覺dirac多次出現,所以多加思考及留意。

因緣下,有dealer願意去我屋企demo他們的AV前級,而那AV前級是用dirac的。在我家,聆聽環境很細,三尖八角,沒有房間聲學處理,經過一個簡單而快速的dirac calibration (有bass management)可以話求9其調教,之後的效果可以話令我驚喜及滿意。

自從dirac有了bass management 的modules 後,我看見市場上很其AV 及 2ch 品牌也紛紛加盟,我心中暗地裏歡喜,因為對於一般用家來說可以話係一個解決方案。

以後的日子裏,我時常鼓勵我認識的AV用家,如pioneer onkyo monoprice emotive 用家,請付款購買dirac 尤其是要購買她的bass management software,但外於要額外付款,我發覺大家完全冇興趣,真係好可惜,但我明白原因的,不用多說。

dirac + 她的bass management + 一支professional 的收音咪(minidsp 銀色或黑色,兩支咪我都試過,分別好微細)給你的是一個求9其run一次已經能夠達致驚喜的效果,發揮本身器材的潛能的體驗。但她不能夠給你大多數香港人的口味,那是槍聲或拳聲,無論畫面表達是遠或近,聲效總是兜口兜面西埋嚟,甚至行一步路都要有低頻,這一種口味需要自己去在dirac用eq 調教。

近日dealer再一次demo dirac + bass management 的”專業模式”給我體驗,此模式是給dirac完完全全去管理,所以用家是沒法子自己調教eq。又再一次求9其run完dirac後,我去體驗效果,這次可以話大驚喜,好感動,把聲音器材發揮至淋漓盡致!但同一時間讓我聽到不足的地方,需要去planning 做upgrade!我向dealer說原來有此專業模式,早講啦,畀錢!


另外,有一些事情可以分享!最近在dirac 在 calibration時,dealer 問我是否大部份時間自己一個在看movie(自私食),我說係!於是他set 咪時只放在一點,皇帝位,而並不是跟dirac的instruction 在多處set 咪收音,最後跑出來的結果令我驚喜(起初我很懷疑唔跟dirac,而只用一點皇帝位去做收音calibration的做法),dealer 解釋給我知,以他的經驗,香港大多數用家的環境很細小,並不像外國,就算一人sofa 都好鬼大,所以用一點皇帝位去做收音比多點更好!


dirac 的 bass management 很重要!

astrid1211 發表於 2023-3-10 14:13

yamaha 5200 係咪用唔到? 要支援DIRAC LIVE 既ONKYO. PIONEER 先用得?

surekot 發表於 2023-3-10 17:44

leroy76 發表於 2023-3-10 11:14
我是DIRAC用家,用緊DIRAC及她的bass management software!

首先,我係一個想用room correction便已經能達 ...


Dirac Live Room Correction Suite

Dirac Live Room Correction Suite Bass Control $499
Bundle offer Room Correction Suite Stereo + Bass Control $729
Bundle offer Room Correction Suite Multichannel + Bass Control $849
Dirac Live Room Correction Suite Stereo $349
Dirac Live Room Correction Suite Multichannel $499

咁之前話Denon & Marantz Mar 2023 有Firmware upgrade to support Dirac, 咁D license 就咁Online買同之後跟機買有什麼分別🤔

leroy76 發表於 2023-3-10 19:53

本帖最後由 leroy76 於 2023-3-18 16:20 編輯

surekot 發表於 2023-3-10 17:44


對 sound united 的 denon 及marantz 在今年三月也會加盟 DIRAC。

據我所知,當購買av合併機或前級,一般只跟 DIRAC Live (DL),至於佢個精粹 Bass Control (BC),即係我成日提及那一個 bass management,係要額外購買的(還有其它module可購買)!外國 AV 或2 ch forum 有很多關於DLBC的 active post 可以去爬文,去google可以search dirac user forum。


購買例子,BC 單 1 subwoofer vs 多個 subwoofer

這是透過DL,DLBC,DLBC ART的分別示意圖,只供參考,不要太認真🙏🏻

leroy76 發表於 2023-3-10 19:53

astrid1211 發表於 2023-3-10 14:13
yamaha 5200 係咪用唔到? 要支援DIRAC LIVE 既ONKYO. PIONEER 先用得?

yamaha 5200 係咪用唔到?


surekot 發表於 2023-3-16 23:29

昨天出左 Direct Live 天龍同馬蘭士 License

samueltlc 發表於 2023-3-17 10:12

surekot 發表於 2023-3-16 23:29
昨天出左 Direct Live 天龍同馬蘭士 License

Denon AVC-A1H 係咪用唔到Bass Control?

leroy76 發表於 2023-3-17 17:11

本帖最後由 leroy76 於 2023-3-17 17:47 編輯

samueltlc 發表於 2023-3-17 10:12
Denon AVC-A1H 係咪用唔到Bass Control?

遲d喎!Sound United 咁急去跳船都知為乜,AV 有經驗嘅用家都明白bass management是十分重要! hope for the best, this will happen!


我copy了audioholics的文章在下面,方便大家睇(如果了犯規,請PM我去刪除 thx)

source audioholics talked to Sound United/DIRAC after Sound United’s DIRAC announcement

A. At this point, we can only confirm that we will support both Dirac Live room correction technology - limited and full bandwidth versions AFTER the firmware update in March 2023. We also plan to support Bass Control upgrade although the integration efforts has not yet started. We expect we should be able to release a new firmware to support Dirac Live Bass Control upgrade sometime in 2024 - TBD.

Regarding Spatial correction, we will continue to work with Dirac team for any solutions they would release to consumer AV products in the future, however, it is just too early to commit anything new at this point.

Q: Will Last Year’s Denon/Marantz products be upgradeable to Dirac?

A: The previous Denon/Marantz models such as the AVR-X8500H, SR7015/8015, AV7706 or the AV8805 will NOT support Dirac Live upgradability. Our Dirac Live integration is enabled by adopting new DSP and software for the 2022 new Denon/Marantz lineup ONLY.

Q: Will Dirac be an upcharge or a free firmware update?

A:Dirac live will be an optional upgrade (upcharge).Once after firmware update in 2023 March, customers, either installers or DIY consumers, will need to go to or to purchase a license key from Dirac to calibrate each AVR. Customers can purchase either a limited version or a full band-width. A MAC address will be needed. A license key for the limited version will cost $259 and the full-bandwidth version will cost $349. It will be possible to upgrade from the limited to the full-band width version at later stage with additional cost of $99.

Note: Final pricing is under Dirac’s control and may change in the future.
We recommend to register at the Dirac websites below to be notified when the service is available.

See: Dirac Press Release and Denon and Marantz product pages for latest updates.

Denon AVR-A1H AV Receiver

Denon AVR-A1H is a 15.4CH AV receiver that supports 150wpc x 15, & 4 independent subwoofer outputs

Q: Can DIRAC be run over Audyssey or are they separate calibrations?

A:Separate calibrations. You can NOT use a part of Audyssey functions such as Dynamic Volume or Dynamic EQ on Dirac Live, and vice versa. You will also need a dedicated microphone of your choice to perform Dirac calibration like a Mini DSP UMIK-1. The included Audyssey microphone in the AVR is for Audyssey calibration ONLY.

Q: Could one conceivable run DIRAC and Audyssey, store them in different presets to do A/B comparisons?

A: Yes, each Denon and Marantz AVR supports “Speaker Preset” function whereyou can store up to 2 calibration results on the AVR and switch between these two from the AVR’s “Option” menu.For example:

“Speaker Preset 1” = Audyssey

“Speaker Preset 2” = Dirac Live

The Speaker Preset function was originally developed to allow you to store two separate speaker configuration and/or Audyssey calibration results easily on the AVR, without using the Audyssey app or a USB thumb drive to rewrite the AVR’s setting.

Q: Do Sound United products support manual PEQ or do you have to do those adjustments in DIRAC or Audyssey?

A: We do not support manual PEQ. Any EQ adjustments have to be done through the Dirac Live software, or the Audyssey MultEQ app or MultEQ-X software.

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