全新 BDXL 規格讓 BD 碟容量達 128GB ... 暫只作商業用途 (轉載)
轉載自 engadget 中文版http://www.blogcdn.com/chinese.engadget.com/media/2010/04/blu-ray-stretch.jpg
或者是為了即將來臨的 3D 狂潮預作準備也好,又或者講成是為了回應某部已經將現有容量塞爆的超旺影片也罷,更或者其實只是藍光聯盟吃飽閒著預先擴增那個目前看起來 ... 略嫌小家子氣 (只有 50GB) 的容量,總之他們發表了全新的 BDXL 格式,讓一次寫入型碟片的容量提昇至 128GB,可重覆讀寫型的容量也同步擴增到 100GB 之多。
不過各位看到這個消息可別高興的太早,因為這樣的大容量只有新型的播放器才能享受的到。 至於最多人使用的藍光播放器 ~ PS3,這回可就沒辦法靠更新韌體來支援新規格了,因為新規格的碟片至少有三至四層的讀取面,得靠更強的雷射光束才能穿透 (只是怪了,為什麼這邊可以用原讀寫頭呢?)。
除了容量倍增的 BDXL 規格外,藍光聯盟還另推出全新的混合型碟片 IH-BD。簡單來說 IH-BD 就是將一層唯讀層 (25GB) 以及一層讀寫層 (25GB) 放在同一光碟面,因此重要且不會異動的資料就可以寫在唯讀層,而使用者的個人資料或是客製化的設定就可以寫在同一面的可讀寫層。換句話說,以後遊戲的記錄就可以直接存在遊戲碟片上,就算更換主機也可以繼續從上次的進度繼續玩下去囉。 engadget今次完全係誤導群眾, BDA嘅官方新聞稿已經講得好清楚呢兩隻新格式係商用, 而唔係民用. 等我更正返個標題先 ...
engadget今次完全係誤導群眾, BDA嘅官方新聞稿已經講得好清楚呢兩隻新格式係商用, 而唔係民用. ...
MSZ 發表於 2010-4-7 18:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif 新聞稿轉載自 engadget
Blu-ray Disc Association Announces Additional Format Enhancements
LOS ANGELES --(Business Wire)-- Apr 03, 2010 The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) today announced two new media specifications that use Blu-ray Disc technology to provide targeted functionality for commercial and consumer applications. The specifications for BDXL™ (High Capacity Recordable and Rewritable discs) and IH-BD (Intra-Hybrid discs) are expected in the next few months.
The BDXL specification, which is targeted primarily at commercial segments such as broadcasting, medical and document imaging enterprises with significant archiving needs, will provide customers with write-once options on 100GB and 128GB capacity discs and rewritable capability on 100GB discs. The discs reach these capacities by incorporating three to four recordable layers. A consumer version of BDXL is also expected, particularly in those regions where BD recorders have achieved broad consumer acceptance.
"Professional industries have expressed a desire to find optical disc solutions that enable them to transition away from magnetic media for their archiving needs," said Victor Matsuda, Blu-ray Disc Association Global Promotions Committee chair. "Leveraging Blu-ray Disc to meet this need provides professional enterprises with a compact, stable and long term solution for archiving large amounts of sensitive data, video and graphic images using a proven and widely accepted optical technology."
The Intra-Hybrid Blu-ray Disc (IH-BD) incorporates a single BD-ROM layer and a single BD-RE layer so as to enable the user to view, but not overwrite, critical published data while providing the flexibility to include relevant personal data on the same physical disc. This allows for consumer specific applications where combining published content with related user data on a convenient, single volume is desirable. Both the ROM and the RE layers on IH-BD discs provide 25GB of capacity.
Because both BDXL and IH-BD are specially designed formats with specific market segments in mind, newly-designed hardware is required to play back or record BDXL or IH-BD media. However, because the new media specifications are extensions of current Blu-ray Disc technology, future BDXL and IH-BD devices can be designed to support existing 25GB and 50GB Blu-ray Discs.
About Blu-ray DiscTM
Blu-ray DiscTM is the next-generation optical disc format for high definition audio-video and high-capacity data software applications. A single-layer Blu-ray Disc holds up to 25 gigabytes of data and a double-layer Blu-ray Disc holds up to 50 gigabytes of data.
About the Blu-ray Disc Association
The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) is responsible for promoting and developing business opportunities for Blu-ray Disc - the next-generation optical disc format for storing high-definition movies, games, photos and other digital content. The BDA has more than 170 members. Its Board of Directors consists of individuals affiliated with the following member companies: Apple Inc., Dell Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company, Hitachi, Ltd., Intel Corporation, LG Electronics Inc., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Panasonic Corporation, Pioneer Corporation, Royal Philips Electronics, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Sharp Corporation, Sony Corporation, TDK Corporation, Technicolor, Twentieth Century Fox, Walt Disney Pictures and Television, and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
The Blu-ray DiscTM name and Blu-ray DiscTM logo are registered trademarks of the Blu-ray Disc Association.
BDXL™ is a trademark of the Blu-ray Disc Association.