chinkwan 發表於 2023-1-17 03:08

What is the next step up from Yamaha CX-A5200


Currently using Yamaha CX-A5200 with Earthquake Grande Cinenova 7 channel and Arcam P7 and 3X Dayton 1000watt sub amps.

Cinenova powers Kef CI 5160 and 4100 for the front three and side and rear surrounds.

Arcam P7 powers 4 Kef 200QR THX for atmos.

Dayton amp powers 6x12" subwoofer.

Video is Pan 9000/Apple TV/Amazon Fire into JVC RS2000/Stewart Studiotek 130G4.

Wondering what's the next step up from Yamaha CX-A5200 sonic/sound wise?

I have no plans for additional speakers. Planning to stay with my 7.4.6 setup..(i.e. no 15 channels etc..)

No plans for PS5/Xbox etc..

Kindly advise! Many thanks!

CalvinKan@G 發表於 2023-1-17 16:51

For surround playback, your system is already very good. If Yamaha pre-amp is working well, adding a power amp for front three channels may upgrade the sound more significantly.

CalvinKan@G 發表於 2023-1-17 16:58

While I understand Cinenove Grande 7 is very powerful at 330w per channel, adding another amp will usually provide better channel separation.

chinkwan 發表於 2023-1-18 02:30

Calvin C-Hing, Thanks for input! I will look into another amp as a possible option...

Just wondering if there's substantial gains to be had going to a newer prepro....

Given the constraints that I am staying 7.4.6 setup.

CalvinKan@G 發表於 2023-1-18 09:12

chinkwan 發表於 2023-1-18 02:30
Calvin C-Hing, Thanks for input! I will look into another amp as a possible option...

Just wonderin ...

Provided that the surround formats remain more or less the same over the past few years, replacing the pre-pro may not provide substantial improvement over your Yamaha (in my opinion, some c-hings will not agree).

CalvinKan@G 發表於 2023-1-18 09:15

Also, if you are using your system for 2-ch playback, adding a dedicated 2-ch pre-amp with home theater passthrough will be a good idea.
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