day2013 發表於 2023-1-6 05:26

《Kompromat》Gilles Lellouche, Joanna Kulig

導演 : Jérôme Salle

主演 : Gilles Lellouche, Joanna Kulig, Mikhail Gorevoy, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Michael Gor, Aleksey Gorbunov, Elisa Lasowski, Judith Henry

法國上映日期: 2022年09月07日
美國上映日期: 2023年01月27日

   Based on incredible true events, A French public servant who unwittingly finds himself in conflict with one of the modern era's most powerful and dangerous forces: Russia's FSB.Mathieu (Gilles Lellouche) , a gregarious and dedicated diplomat who accepts a posting to Irkutsk as the head of Siberia's Alliance Francaise. He hopes the change will be good for his family and struggling marriage, but before long Mathieu's staging of cultural events and support of artistic expression sees him fall afoul of local authorities. Accused of a terrible crime, he soon realises someone has fabricated a case with Russia's Federal Security Service - he has been framed. Arrested, imprisoned and isolated, Mathieu has nowhere to turn. Defending himself is impossible, the French authorities are helpless - it seems he has no choice: to try and escape.

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