kenyun 發表於 2023-1-3 19:09

Denon AVC-X6700H

本帖最後由 kenyun 於 2023-1-9 14:44 編輯

Is it sensible to purchase this model now?The price came down to less than $14k.I am now using AVR-X3400H which was purchased in early 2018.

littlefat69 發表於 2023-1-3 19:27

我諗呢度啲師兄一定贊成你買, 爭在師兄你過唔過到海關呢😅

amb86 發表於 2023-1-4 10:28

You should go ahead. Or see if 8500HA has discount and move on to that.

kenyun 發表於 2023-1-5 09:11

amb86 發表於 2023-1-4 10:28
You should go ahead. Or see if 8500HA has discount and move on to that.

Cannot accommodate this machine owing to its height.

Chanlokman 發表於 2023-1-5 20:01

You should go ahead for AVC-X6700h, I also bought it last 2 weeks below $12000(pay cash) in Mong Kok, compare with AVR-X4500h which I used before, AVC-X6700h is much more better for overall performance. It is worth to buy it.

cheungliu 發表於 2023-1-6 19:56

go to mongkok to buy mainly 16/f or cwb, which is much cheaper

kenyun 發表於 2023-1-9 13:49

本帖最後由 kenyun 於 2023-1-9 14:41 編輯

Chanlokman 發表於 2023-1-5 20:01
You should go ahead for AVC-X6700h, I also bought it last 2 weeks below $12000(pay cash) in Mong Kok ...

Got it from AV Life in Taikoo Apita with rebate from Apita (promotion from 5 to 8 Jan) and credit cards which comes more or less the same price as purchasing in MK with free delivery and now setting up.

Chanlokman 發表於 2023-1-9 18:07

Enjoy! Ching, 6700 is really a good AV Amp in this price
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