doraemon18 發表於 2010-4-5 13:20

My Little AV Theather Room Setup

Brothers, Just want to share my AV Room with your guys,
Front Speakers: B&W 685
Center Speaker: B&W HTM-62
AV Amp: Onkyo TX-SR805
Blu-Ray Player: Samsung BD-P1500 , PS3
CD-Player: Marantz CD5003
Surrond Spekears: Bose
Subwoofer: Velodyne SPL-1000 Ultra
Projector: Planar PD7060 (DLP-Dark Chip 2, 720P)
Screen: 80" OS screen
Power Strip: Oyaide MTS-6 connect to Audio Quest NRG-2 UK Plug
Power Cable: PS audio connect to Onkyo Amp

I am using PS audio Power Punch cable connect to my Onkyo Amp, but I feel is not very good as in 力度 and 分析力 , any recommendation you guys can give me ?? (美式插)

Pls Give me some opinion..Thx

avlam 發表於 2010-4-5 15:02

ching 有冇唸住買部int amp嚟聽歌呀!

TEE 發表於 2010-4-5 15:09

Brothers, Just want to share my AV Room with your guys,
Front Speakers: B&W 685
Center Speak ...
doraemon18 發表於 2010-4-5 13:20


doraemon18 發表於 2010-4-5 15:23

回復 5# smoke

    Feel Good...{:1_344:} ...........Great for Movie and Music.....

cthong 發表於 2010-4-5 16:26

好正喎{:6_193:},我都係B&W & Velodyne fans{:6_143:}
不如揾對stand比front speaker la{:6_175:}

Cascd 發表於 2010-4-5 17:28

wa, 好多BD{:6_206:}

doraemon18 發表於 2010-4-5 17:49

回復 10# Cascd

Yes, I use 80% Movie and 20% Music .....Anyone can recommend which power cord will improve for my AV amp onkyo 805 ??? Thx.....

randyma 發表於 2010-4-5 18:01

Northwire 18A double run or triple run power cord.

doraemon18 發表於 2010-4-5 18:58

回復 9# randyma

   How about 美式插 ? recommendation ? Thank You

fuman0123 發表於 2010-4-5 19:35

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