以Blu-ray player個USB介面播放mp3的效果如何
今晚個朋友問我:佢部Blu-ray player有個USB插頭, 可以支援播放USB手指內嘅mp3檔案, 佢話如果加隻DAC再出合併amp, 播放效果會否拍得住CD質素? 我未試過真係唔識答佢, 各位可以提供意見嗎? 今晚個朋友問我:佢部Blu-ray player有個USB插頭, 可以支援播放USB手指內嘅mp3檔案, 佢話如果加隻DAC再出合 ...gerrard 發表於 2010-4-5 03:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Depending on the audio quality of the DAC, there will be undoubtedly an audible improvement by add a DAC. However, Mp3 is compressed data. Even if you add a DAC, the data is still compressed. Hence, the answer is simply: "no, the audio quality of your MP3 files cannot match a CD. 你叫佢自己試聽下囉
但我個人唔見議咁做 No la
dac can't bring u back what u never have