sunboy 發表於 2011-6-8 13:12


civic 發表於 2011-6-8 12:55


阿正 發表於 2011-6-30 15:40

本帖最後由 阿正 於 2011-7-1 14:03 編輯

我選擇master 1:1or CDR master

阿正 發表於 2011-6-30 15:40

回復 132# 阿正

aforapple 發表於 2011-8-1 13:01



brotherkei 發表於 2011-8-11 15:01

本帖最後由 brotherkei 於 2011-8-11 15:04 編輯

I care more about who mastered it and which company manufactured it. The material of the disc has mu ...
raxel 發表於 2011-4-19 17:41

Raxel c-hing, I agree with you completely!

When a Hi Fi enthusiast buys XRCD/LPCD/K2HD/AQCD etc etc, he expects to hear a difference (improvement) in sound in order to justify his purchase. Therefore the label must do something to make a difference. But very often Hong Kong labels can do very little to improve the sound due to one or more of the following reasons:
1. The first generation master tape is lost due to terrible archiving practice, or unusable because of poor maintenance.
2. The engineers know very little to transfer the master tapes properly.
3. The engineers do not know of good re-mastering practices.
4. The labels do not have a budget for re-mastering even in the absence of the above factors.

But since the HK labels want to milk their back catalogues again and again with all these XRCD/LPCD/K2HD/AQCD etc etc. What do they do? They just apply EQ, compression and all sorts of tricks (MSG) to old masters to make them sound different! In order to make the sound clearly different, they'll apply a lot of this MSG. Those who thought they made a right choice in buying these XRCD/LPCD/K2HD/AQCD etc etc will think the difference in sound is an improvement! For me, I only found the majority of them having terribly unnatural, bloated sound.

I've seen successes in many of the western artists remastering projects, such as the Beatles, ABBA or Carpenters. There are also good re-issue labels in the US or Europe who give genuinely amazing result. They only need to do this re-mastering once, if it is done properly. We do not need to buy the same title over and over again inXRCD/LPCD/K2HD/AQCD etc etc -- this phenomenon only implies that none of these efforts is remotely close to the best! Remember, all these are essentially CDs, and the main difference in sound lies on the mastering quality.

reanult360 發表於 2011-8-11 17:05

Raxel c-hing, I agree with you completely!

When a Hi Fi enthusiast buys XRCD/LPCD/K2HD/AQCD etc e ...
brotherkei 發表於 2011-8-11 15:01

    Thank you for your thorough explanation.I bought a HQCD Katie Melua and sound just the same with her normal cd version.As you've mentioned, no need other crazy version once the mastering is done so good in the first place.You seem to know so much about the music industry, do you rekcon univerisal cd is a rip-0ff?

old8woman 發表於 2023-10-22 21:42


gamma 發表於 2023-11-6 09:46

仲有 dmm

luckyperson 發表於 2023-12-29 12:45

本帖最後由 luckyperson 於 2024-1-2 14:32 編輯

小弟有 mp3,16/44.1(CD) ,24/48,24/96,24/192,24/352.8(DXD) ,DSD64(SACD),DSD128 及DSD256等的音樂files。
小弟也有多聲道的 SACD或其ISO files,多聲道 DVD-Audio 及 多聲道藍光碟(含 auro-3D ,Dolby Atmos 或 3D影像) 。
錄音(例如DDD) 及其工程師,演譯,收放音響設備,remastering,視聽者心情/年紀/學養/買價等都會影響音樂感受。

話題令我聯想到安徒生《皇帝的新衣》故事 , John Cage 《4'33''》樂章,及 Masaki Batoh 腦波音樂。

P. S. 人類或其後代可能通過BCI(brain-computer interface) 及其它科技擴闊其感官範圍,甚至達到不滅(包括digital immortality) 。我認為人類自滅機會更大。

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查看完整版本: 心目中最靚聲的CD

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