WaiHimWu@FB 發表於 2022-9-20 10:19

nippon 發表於 2022-9-20 07:55

而家PS5 仲係唔支援雙杜比 睇黎入手部藍光在所難免?

gamma 發表於 2022-9-20 10:34


As in the past, Panasonic positions its highest Blu-ray model as a ultimate solution in the field of sound. The player is particularly well equipped especially in terms of connections, but is not as universal as hoped for. Although SACDs and DVD Audio discs are rare media, we expect that the ability to play them is present on a high-end model. Whether in practice really many music lovers listen to these discs is of course another question. However, you can listen to DSD files – which are derived from SACD – via streaming or USB, thanks to the used AKM AK4493EQ DAC. This is a DA-converter that appreciates many audiophiles, because the Velvet Sound architecture delivers an insightful yet non-clinical conversion.

We expect a player from this price category to fly with flying colors. our format test is sailing – and that is true. The Panasonic DP-UB9004 is even able to play our multichannel files in both FLAC and DSD, and that can only be very few devices. Surround WAVs are not supported, but they are also very obscure. When playing back surround files, the question pops up: how do I send the audio out? This can be done with the DP-UB9004 via HDMI to an AV receiver or via the analog 7.1 outputs.

tony019002 發表於 2022-9-20 10:35

WaiHimWu@FB 發表於 2022-9-20 10:19
而家PS5 仲係唔支援雙杜比 睇黎入手部藍光在所難免?

PS5得hdr only

gamma 發表於 2022-9-20 10:40

gamma 發表於 2022-9-20 10:34

As in the past, Panasonic positions its highe ...

2018 唔係新model, 不過原來可以play DSD file, 咁hk 9000得唔得呢?

Versa 發表於 2022-9-20 11:47

jackybee 發表於 2022-9-18 11:23



Giogio 發表於 2022-9-20 15:22

cakecake 發表於 2022-9-18 16:09
如果純av,淨係用HDMI,基本上佢用甚麼DAC個分別都應該極細,佢份解碼for 2 ch..
佢有無原庄國行版既掛字 ...

師兄 國行外掛字幕係咪藍底白字

cakecake 發表於 2022-9-20 20:45

Giogio 發表於 2022-9-20 15:22
師兄 國行外掛字幕係咪藍底白字


WaiHimWu@FB 發表於 2022-9-21 11:52

tony019002 發表於 2022-9-20 10:35
PS5得hdr only

ching我同你個system都幾相似 得閒切磋一下

jackybee 發表於 2022-9-21 14:45

Versa 發表於 2022-9-20 11:47

今次正宗香 ...


nippon 發表於 2022-9-21 14:58

jackybee 發表於 2022-9-21 14:45

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查看完整版本: Panasonic UB9000GH1 港版行貨定價 $11,900!(#68更新評測)

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