tcflex 發表於 2022-11-5 00:10

Rip Top Gun Maverick 4K disk

本帖最後由 tcflex 於 2022-11-5 00:15 編輯

I have purchased Pioneer S13J-X rom and MAKEMKV and anyDVD lift time license.

I can use anydvd to rip ISO for Top gun 1 but cannnot use anydvd to rip Topgun 2 .

Then I use MakeMKV to rip,it can rip but there is no Dobly Atmos to select.
Any Ching have this experience ?

For your further reference, the first screen is for Top Gun 2 and the second screen is for Top Gun 1.

ivyang 發表於 2022-11-5 09:09


pac 發表於 2022-11-5 18:29

Anydvd 即糸未破解到囉!
你睇吓用makemkv時開隻碟嘅divice 裏面有嘜啦

leroy76 發表於 2022-11-5 23:40

Hi!your uhd blu-ray rom and anydvd software are just fine. Pls don’t worry.I think you are new to anydvd or any uhd ripping software and not familiar with what to do when a new uhd blu-ray movie disc launched.prior to go ahead to rip the new uhd movie, we need to extract the uhd disc key and submit it to the software vendor.once the key maintained to their database, then you can start ripping your uhd movie (usually takes 1 to 2 weeks ).

from anydvd, currently the following top gun maverick version (the key) has been submitted and pending to maintain the keys to their database.

44) Top Gun: Maverick -- OPD: (Amazon US) BD_a56a75da8fca // (Canada) BD_8b89e074c790 // (Amazon Japan) BD_d401f31c30f3 // (Amazon US) BD_8aebacddf641 // (Amazon Canada) BD_f977b6affe97 // (Amazon Germany) BD_d039829fdd58 **(new)**

If you bought the 港版, I would suggest you to follow anydvd’s instructions of how to extract the key from uhd disc and submit it.It is not rocket science but need a bit of patient to read and understand the instructions/procedures and practice it.

people from anydvd are super nice and helpful. u can join their forum and shoutout.

Here is the direct hyperlink. Pm me if u hv further question/problems.   happy ripping!

List of UHDs currently UN-supported in AnyDVD

tcflex 發表於 2022-11-6 12:48

leroy76 發表於 2022-11-5 23:40
Hi!your uhd blu-ray rom and anydvd software are just fine. Pls don’t worry.I think you are new...

Thanks C hing, i have done it according to uour suggestion but feel strange that MKV can rip but it seems
no Atmos are provided and only Dolby surround are found after rip

MingSir 發表於 2022-11-11 05:28

新手請教下, 如果想 rip Bluray and UHD Bluray, 係咪 AnyDVD 比較易用呢 ? UHD Bluray player 有無規定邊隻型號呢? (現用緊 LG BH16NS60)

Giogio 發表於 2022-11-11 21:41

我自己用DVDfab,用埋佢個破解落Asus UHD Bluray player,簡單易用,一個acc方便管理
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