chowchow115 發表於 2022-11-4 15:33

Arong2020 發表於 2022-11-4 10:45
Tidal 中文歌,而家都好似唔少,國語歌就好少去尋找!
本身自己都 ...

係呀師兄 Roon 真係好好用
但tidal 找中文歌部就真係想死⋯佢係用直接拼音⋯對我來講真心想死

Arong2020 發表於 2022-11-5 13:52

本帖最後由 Arong2020 於 2022-11-5 14:02 編輯

chowchow115 發表於 2022-11-4 15:33
係呀師兄 Roon 真係好好用
但tidal 找中文歌部就真係想死⋯佢係用直接拼音⋯對我來講真心想死 ...


chowchow115 發表於 2022-11-5 17:05

Arong2020 發表於 2022-11-5 13:52
尋找歌手嘅話我就打中文字或者佢 ...

如Roon 可支援到KKBOX …就一天光曬😂

sw69 發表於 2022-11-8 14:58

想行到 roon 又想 kk box ,可以考慮 NAD 既串流播放器 ,兩樣都用到{:1_253:}

1234qwer 發表於 2022-11-8 15:11

chowchow115 發表於 2022-11-5 17:05
如Roon 可支援到KKBOX …就一天光曬😂

KKBOX 上個月公佈hi res家庭方案果時, 講左話好快會支援roon, 但唔知好快即係幾時

我都想快d, 到時可以賣左部auralic aries, 而家係為左中文歌多部機

chowchow115 發表於 2022-11-8 18:50

sw69 發表於 2022-11-8 14:58
想行到 roon 又想 kk box ,可以考慮 NAD 既串流播放器 ,兩樣都用到

小弟部auralic altair g1.1都得架⋯個apps 都ok
但Roon 真係靚仔好多😂😂😂

chowchow115 發表於 2022-11-8 18:51

1234qwer 發表於 2022-11-8 15:11
KKBOX 上個月公佈hi res家庭方案果時, 講左話好快會支援roon, 但唔知好快即係幾時

我都想快d, 到時可以 ...

多口問句做咩想賣左部auralic aries

1234qwer 發表於 2022-11-8 19:52

chowchow115 發表於 2022-11-8 18:51
多口問句做咩想賣左部auralic aries ...

本身有用roon,aries 主要係用kkbox聽中文歌,如果roon 行到kkbox就唔洗多部機{:1_326:}

chowchow115 發表於 2022-11-10 00:58

1234qwer 發表於 2022-11-8 19:52
本身有用roon,aries 主要係用kkbox聽中文歌,如果roon 行到kkbox就唔洗多部機 ...


giggs1212 發表於 2022-11-17 10:48

琴日收到email , 出年 1月1日又加價啦

When we launched Roon, we had a simple mission: build the ultimate music player for music fanatics.
And what a journey it’s been. Every day, hundreds of thousands of customers use Roon 2.0 and Roon ARC to power their listening experiences, both at home and on the road. But we’re not standing still. We’ve got big plans for the future.
To continue supporting this mission, we’re changing our prices.
On January 1st, 2023, the price of a yearly subscription will change to $12.49/mo, billed annually.
We're also changing the prices of our monthly and lifetime subscriptions on January 1st, 2023. The monthly subscription will change to $14.99/month, and the lifetime subscription will change to $829.99.
If you'd like to switch to a lifetime subscription at the lower price, visit your account page and change your billing before your next charge.
We want to continue to build a better, more inspiring music player for everyone. This change ensures that we continue to give you a best-in-class listening experience.
If you have questions, contact us at
Thank you for choosing Roon — we hope you stay with us for years to come. We look forward to showing you what we have in store.
The Roon team
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