導演 : Cyril Schäublin主演 : Valentin Merz, Clara Gostynski, Monika Stalder, Nikolai Bosshardt, Alexei Evstratov, Li Tavor, Laurent Ferrero, Hélio Thiémard
德國上映日期: 2022年02月14日 (BIFF)
台灣上映日期: 2022年11月04日
New technologies are transforming a 19th-century watchmaking town in Switzerland. Josephine, a young factory worker, produces the unrest wheel, swinging in the heart of the mechanical watch. Exposed to new ways of organizing money, time and labour, she gets involved with the local movement of the anarchist watchmakers, where she meets Russian traveller Pyotr Kropotkin.
https://scontent.fhkg4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/307364656_597385385493125_5624575264938625153_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=340051&_nc_ohc=7MPDVCrN4VcAX9ShtXw&_nc_ht=scontent.fhkg4-2.fna&oh=00_AT8eGJmuwohsra7BTD9fYLcST9-mzHjk8o_oPHr3Ax-uWQ&oe=634CF49D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lz79ClLmNo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4xhNrJwga4