day2013 發表於 2022-10-5 10:23

《Der Passfälscher / The Forger》Louis Hofmann, Luna Wedler

導演 : Maggie Peren

主演 : Louis Hofmann, Luna Wedler, Jonathan Berlin, Nina Gummich, André Jung, Marc Limpach, Yotam Ishay, Jeanne Werner

德國上映日期: 2022年10月13日
美國上映日期: 2022年

   Berlin, 1940. Cioma Schönhaus (Louis Hofmann) is a young Jewish man who won't let anyone take away his zest for life, especially not the Nazis. Since the best hiding spots are in plain sight, Cioma audaciously adopts the identity of a marine officer to escape being deported like his family before him. Drawing on his art school background, he joins a network of underground rescuers and becomes infamous for his masterfully forged IDs – created with just a brush, some ink, and a steady hand – that save the lives of hundreds of Jews by allowing them to escape the country. Meanwhile, he throws himself into the city's nightlife and even finds a fragile hope for love during the darkest moments of the war. His talent and propensity for boldness puts him in more and more danger, however, until his only chance of survival is one last forged document – with his own name on it. Based on a true story.


補充內容 (2023-1-24 18:55):
美國上映日期: 2023年03月03日

補充內容 (2023-3-8 21:01):
香港上映日期: 2023年05月11日

補充內容 (2023-5-19 09:06):
香港上映日期: 2023年06月29日

補充內容 (2023-7-27 20:03):
香港上映日期: 2023年09月21日

day2013 發表於 2022-10-5 10:24

day2013 發表於 2022-10-5 10:25

day2013 發表於 2022-10-5 10:25

day2013 發表於 2022-10-5 10:25

day2013 發表於 2022-10-5 10:25

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查看完整版本: 《Der Passfälscher / The Forger》Louis Hofmann, Luna Wedler

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