全新 SVS Micro 3000 subwoofer Piano Black
本帖最後由 amb86 於 2022-9-16 15:02 編輯喺美國網購買多咗一個, 而家睇下有冇師兄收樓, 想睇下可唔可以原價加運費hkd 7800放出, 已改咗220v。
大家可以去 陳 列室試下, 音色明顯同隔離REL T5/7/9好, 行貨賣緊萬二蚊+
$7800 inclsuive of delivery to buyer's home? gg1618371535 發表於 2022-9-14 12:21
$7800 inclsuive of delivery to buyer's home?
I found shipping myself. Official sites such as SVS.com and Crutchfield and B&H Photo doesn't ship to HK directly. Push. 睇下有冇師兄有興趣收留, 佢真係好適合香港 大部分嘅鍋居, 全新水貨免卻大家遊記嘅麻煩 同埋風險, 真心好過自己定咁麻煩。 我係買多咗一隻 試下我屋企適唔適合三隻Subwoofer, 結果係冇需要嘅, 所以放售, 品質絕對係冇問題同新嘅一樣 質量真係同kef 嗰隻KC62 有得揮, 尤其喺 家庭影院應用方面 更勝一籌 黑色? I am very interested in SVS 3000 Micro.Pl let me have more details. Is the subwoofer still awaiting delivery from oversea (i.e. you have already received the subwoofer or not)?
Sorry I am unable to communicate in Chinese simply because my keyboard is not equipped with Chinese Input or voice typing.
用手機可以打中文{:1_328:} sanlamsan 發表於 2022-9-18 10:22
Yes ar