ChanChunSh@FB 發表於 2022-8-26 18:15



jamesbond 發表於 2022-8-26 18:26


ChanChunSh@FB 發表於 2022-8-26 20:33

jamesbond 發表於 2022-8-26 18:26
Pan記DP-UB9000行版就出,其他唔使考慮。 ...


:o) 發表於 2022-8-27 01:04

G5500增強版 ---->>> G5800增強版


xyz56789xyz 發表於 2022-8-27 21:17

本帖最後由 xyz56789xyz 於 2022-8-27 21:31 編輯

建議加多個燒肺劵,去地牢抬走部兩皮4K機 PD-6

JeffHo@G 發表於 2022-8-27 23:20

jamesbond 發表於 2022-8-26 18:26
Pan記DP-UB9000行版就出,其他唔使考慮。 ...


rictsang 發表於 2022-8-28 19:42

jamesbond 發表於 2022-8-26 18:26
Pan記DP-UB9000行版就出,其他唔使考慮。 ...

Those who want to buy it had bought it already no matter uk version, us version or mainland version. Why release it so late now?

Overnite007 發表於 2022-8-28 22:48

rictsang 發表於 2022-8-28 19:42
Those who want to buy it had bought it already no matter uk version, us version or mainland versio ...

I have not yet bought cos all these us, uk, mainland versions have their own issues.
I am waiting for hk hong goods.

WaiHimWu@FB 發表於 2022-8-29 14:26

jamesbond 發表於 2022-8-26 18:26
Pan記DP-UB9000行版就出,其他唔使考慮。 ...

我都有留意佢但我主要玩AV 可以拎佢黎聽CD嗎? 唔想另買再買舊CD機{:1_347:}

rictsang 發表於 2022-8-29 15:30

Overnite007 發表於 2022-8-28 22:48
I have not yet bought cos all these us, uk, mainland versions have their own issues.
I am waiting...

So it is time for you to enjoy this good machine
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