Martinkfc 發表於 2022-8-15 00:16

Xindak A600 Class A Dual Mono 160W x2 8ohm/320W x2 4ohm有AV bypass

本帖最後由 Martinkfc 於 2022-8-15 00:23 編輯


50w下行Pure Class A
50w以上自動Class AB 160W
真平衡XLR x1
RCAx 2
Diirect pre in (AV bypass)x1
Class A/AB operation
输出功率: 160W(8Ω)/320W(4Ω)

咁大部又咁重得160w 8ohm?咁不如看看以下YouTube睇吓明唔明白

频率响应: 10Hz~100KHz (-0.5dB)
信噪比: 95dB
失真度: 0.03%(1KHz、30W、8Ω)
净重: 53Kg =116磅]]

A600 是一款優秀的雙聲道綜合放大器,同時後級放大部分可以獨立使用,采用雙單聲道結構,其優點是在大動態放音時也能保持較好的聲場穩定,並能提高信噪比。

A600 外觀造型樸實、穩重、大方,機內布局不僅美觀大方、井井有條,而且對防電磁幹擾很有利。該機左右功放不惜重金增加兩塊重量級紫銅導熱器,它最大的優點是能夠提高功放的熱穩定性,熱補償管能通過紫銅快速地感應到各功率管所散發的熱量,也能迅速而均勻地將功率管所耗散的熱量傳導給散熱器,使放大器的工作狀態更加穩定。A600 采用全對稱全互補電流負反饋放大電路,其電流放大部分三級達林頓電路,第一級是MJE350/MJE340對管,第二級性能優良的摩托羅拉MJE15031/MJE15030對管,輸出管是每聲道四對並聯的三肯2SA1295/2SC3264高功率大電流對管,其峰值輸出電流達68A;電源供給是兩隻580W的環形變壓器,主電源采用四隻33000uF的世界頂級瑞典RIFA169長壽命高品質電解電容,整流橋采用兩隻40A的方橋。正是由于電源部分的重料使得A600功放具有強勁的驅動能力。


X’sPoduct description :
The A600 integrated amplifier has been highly praised by users at home and abroad since its launch. Xindak has made further improvements and enhancements on its basis, and launched an improvedof the A600. This machine adopts up to 240000uF XINDAK specially customized audio filter electrolytic capacitor array, which has extremely low power supply internal resistance, so that the driving force and dynamic performance of this machine are more inclined.
The connection terminals provided on the rear panel are very rich, including 2 groups of RCA signal inputs, 1 group of RCA pure post-stage inputs, and 1 group of balanced inputs. The output part uses gold-plated speaker terminal blocks, 2 groups per channel are connected in parallel, which is convenient for users who like to use two-wire crossover to connect speakers.
Compared with the earlier A600,the amplifier has made great improvements in the power supply. The high-power and low-noise toroidal transformer specially designed for A600 and the luxurious rectifier filter circuit used are the excellent sound performance of this amplifier. Laid a solid foundation.
Xindak’s special super large and efficient radiator, heavy aluminum alloy panel and aluminum alloy one-time forming cover form an integral heat dissipation structure, so that the amplifier can still maintain high efficiency even with huge power consumption and high power Class A output. The high heat dissipation capacity ensures the stable and reliable operation of the whole machine.
Technical parameter:
parameter name:
Signal to noise ratio: ≥95dB
Total harmonic distortion: <0.03% (1KHz, 30W, 8Ω)
Number of channels: 2
Frequency response: 10Hz~100KHz (-0.5dB)
Input terminals: 3 groups of RCA terminals, 1 group of XLR terminals
Rated output power: 160W(8Ω)/320W(4Ω)
Panel color: black & silver
Remote control function: support
Net weight: 53Kg
Shipping weight: 75Kg
Dimensions (width * height * depth): 450mm*220mm*596mml..
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: Xindak A600 Class A Dual Mono 160W x2 8ohm/320W x2 4ohm有AV bypass

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