bb1668 發表於 2010-4-16 10:27

Support N3
ack_lam 發表於 2010-4-16 10:12

Support N3 as well.

Do not buy those Korean made media players with Realtek chips.They promise to support (i) HD audio bitstreaming and (ii) Blu-ray ISO compatibility months ago.They have yet to deliver what they have underaken to deliver.It seems unlikely they will do so.

obee 發表於 2010-4-16 10:38

Support N3 as well.

Do not buy those Korean made media players with Realtek chips.They promi ...
bb1668 發表於 2010-4-16 10:27
I don't focus product/brand of certain country, but in general, I believe that if there's feature improvement for a specific chip, then all products that uses that chip would also have such feature update soon or later.

bb1668 發表於 2010-4-16 11:51

I don't focus product/brand of certain country, but in general, I believe that if there's feature i ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 2010-4-16 10:38

I am not sure if you are aware of the heaps of complaints generated by those Korean players.Specifically, Korean media players TXIV6600 and Xtreamer.Go to the website of Xtreamer and you will know what I am talking about.

When these two players are first launched in the market, they promised to the buyers they can play Blu-ray ISO and support HD audio bitstreaming.Months after these players are launched, the promise still cannot be fulfilled.Xtremer has recently acknkowledged that it will never be able able to bitstream HD audio because of licence issues and the TVIX6600 is still struggling in playing Blu-ray ISO files.These two players are using the Realtek chips.If this not fraud (or at least misrepresentation), what is then?You will recall that a person was recently jailed in Hong Kong for misrepresenting the fan speed of a kitchen hood.

More importantly, these Korean players are not exactly cheap.For example, TVIX6600 is sellling at HK$2,600 and I would say the HiMedia 300B (retailing at HK$800) is better than the TVIX6600 in terms of functionality.At least the HiMedia can play Blu-ray ISO file.I am not so sure if you will still stay calm and netural in saying that "Idon't focus (on) product/brand of certain country......." if you have bought these over-promised Korean players at an inflated price.

Normally, I would not focus on particular brand or country of origin.However, I must say the Koreans have betrayed their customers big time in this incident.

obee 發表於 2010-4-16 18:55

c-hing, I hope you don't have Korean's products. Frankly speaking, I don't choose Korean products, even popular appliance brands that HK ppl like to buy, or movie {:6_174:}.
I am using popcorn hours. I guess it's either US / China / Singapore brand. It's not cheap but I confirm it can do what I want before paying money.

bb1668 發表於 2010-4-16 22:14

c-hing, I hope you don't have Korean's products. Frankly speaking, I don't choose Korean products, e ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 2010-4-16 18:55


Glad to hear that you are using Popcornhour right now.I am using N3.

I am not saying all Korean products are bad.Tvix 6500 is good but the Sigma 8635 chip is a bit dated.What pisses me off is the dishonest and irresponsible attitude adopted by Tvix in rolling out the new model Tvix 6600 and making empty promises.

Anyway, are you using the latest C200? I heard it is a very good player.Can you sharing your findings?
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