消息指 Auro-3D 母公司 Auro Technologies 正申請破產保護
消息指 Auro-3D 母公司 Auro Technologies 正申請破產保護|#市場資訊https://post76.hk/news/2022/06/auro-3d-auro-technologies
比利時 Auro Technologies 公司創始人 Wilfried van Baelen 指出,經歷與新投資者商議多月無果,最終決定以破產保護應對! 他補充公司收入來源主要為晶片授權,但因過去 3 年各方受新冠肺炎影響,生產鏈被打斷,導致今次危機!
hopefully this doesn't affect the long term sustainability of this CODEC. This is the BEST technology for running 5.1 upmixing without a doubt.
I even uses it for native atmos content for streaming contents- Netflix, Disney+, etc 唉,我最慘,成個auro 3d layout 入曬牆,喇叭set好哂,但就差未買av amp,用都未用 ,佢咁就破咗產😔 Auro 3D 是我覺得喺現今咁多種制式之中最有自然感覺的環繞聲制式,唔會太誇張! 而且播音樂聽演唱會音場大好多(設定auro 3d 10.1)! 可惜!希望有公司肯接手發展! xmarkx 發表於 2022-6-21 22:57
唉,我最慘,成個auro 3d layout 入曬牆,喇叭set好哂,但就差未買av amp,用都未用 ,佢咁就破咗產😔 ...
冇關係,你嘅avamp仍然會 用到 amb86 發表於 2022-6-21 16:41
This is the BEST technology for running 5.1 upmixing without a doubt.
I even uses it for native atm ...
How did u mange to do that? Can u pls teach us amb86 發表於 2022-6-24 00:02
冇關係,你嘅avamp仍然會 用到
係,不過怕下一代amp無 DTS X Pro 好似都用到 Auro 3D 嘅 CH & VOG,所以呢兩隻喇叭應該唔會嘥嘅。