scoobychau 發表於 2022-6-13 02:53
睇中denon 2700. (1700 無貨之9月)
Polk 5.1 speaker.
其實Samsung 990B, JBL Bar 9.1係實體不是虚擬,soundbar一樣有齊前置中置喇叭單元及天空反射喇叭單元在內,而且配上一對實體後置,佢地既性能絕對係可以(甚至超過)同入門av amp配衛星喇叭一戰的,但免卻了一堆線材和走線,而且設定容易。
如果師兄你諗住落AV坑,成日會玩佢,肯繼續放心機(大量時間)及投資資源(錢)落去(每人價值觀都不同),咁就keep going,但我相信你好快會再換喇叭,尤其是超低音。同埋自己砌既喇叭組合隻超低音,想好聲既話絕對唔會細隻的。
同埋如果你想睇喇叭組合,旺角友誠大厦一樣有亦多款,你都可以睇下先再考慮邊度買 cakecake 發表於 2022-6-14 09:41
其實Samsung 990B, JBL Bar 9.1係實體不是虚擬,soundbar一樣有齊前置中置喇叭單元及天空反射喇叭單元在 ...
同意,如果樓主因空間問題要玩衛星喇叭,不如轉用靚SB,隨時好声過佢,宜家d高質SB媲美入門Amp,我玩大機也引不住入條SB平時睇電視打機,真係方便。相反如決定玩組合,至少由中階機起,否則會浪費唔少$升级 本帖最後由 scoobychau 於 2022-6-17 16:05 編輯
Spend 12 hours to clean up... and installed everything yesterday.
final decision
- Dennon 3700
- Polk 5.1 speaker.*L and R speaker becomes Front Height Rear Height
- Replaced front speaker with heco onyx-100 Fkiir speaker{:6_142:}
- Rear Height speaker.. use the old pioneer speaker... {:6_123:}
Universal gave me some cable
R38 SPEAKER CABLE 5M for Front LR and Center
R18 SPEAKER CABLE 8M for Front Height LR
Further Question:
1.I am using my Pineer tiny wire for my Rear Height... and it is long long enough.
Can any one tell me where i can TAOBAO some normal Speaker Wire?no need expensive stuff...
2.using my Xbox 1, i am able to output Admos sound. Demo from Dobly access app, and also disney+.but for some reason.. Netflix only output at 5.1,
Do i need to Upgrade my netflix account to have Atmos? I found my answer for question 2 already...
Dolby Atmos on Netflix
You can watch Netflix in Dolby Atmos audio on select TV shows and movies.
You need:
A Netflix plan that supports streaming in Ultra HD.
A Netflix-capable device that can play Dolby Atmos.
A Dolby Atmos-capable audio system.
Streaming quality set to High or Auto. scoobychau 發表於 2022-6-17 15:40
Spend 12 hours to clean up... and installed everything yesterday.
final decision
- Dennon 3700