danny_mo 發表於 2010-3-30 14:52

Media Player: Sigma 8635 公版機新固件 Popcorn A110 (24 Mar 2010)

本帖最後由 danny_mo 於 2010-3-30 23:25 編輯

Release Date : 24 March 2010

Firmware Version : 01-17-100317-15-POP-403-000
Release Note :
1. Requires NMT apps 00-17-091216-15-POP-403

2. Fixed file copy over 4GB from FAT filesystem will hang

3. Added show % during for firmware update download

4. New Transmission BT client 1.75 (need new NMT app installed)

5. Added trickmode (pause, FF, volume) for RTSP, where applicable

6. Add special characters handling for WiFi SSID

7. Added Shoutcast Internet radio

8. Fixed NFS cannot read some folders when root level contain many folders

9. Added Arabic (CP1256) external subtitle support.

10. Fixed colorspace for SD/HD file playback

11. Added missing Slovenian subtitle language

12. Fixed IDX/SUB data decoding error causing garbled rendering with certain files

13. Fixed: IDX/SUB with multiple languages

NMT Apps Version : 00-17-091216-15-POP-403

Release Note : 1.Minimum firmware version to use this NMT App is 01-17-091216-15-POP-403-000

2. New Transmission BT client version 1.75

Note : Unzip into the root of your USB thumbdrive. Browse to usbupdate.html to update.
Please DO NOT power off the unit during firmware update, as it will render your unit inoperational.

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查看完整版本: Media Player: Sigma 8635 公版機新固件 Popcorn A110 (24 Mar 2010)

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