Skyzhay 發表於 2022-5-25 13:45

NBA 2K22 has players from various basketball eras

Basketball fans can follow along with each round of the NBA playoffs using MyTeam Mode and complete Agendas for their top moments via their New Lifetime Agenda Groups. By doing so, they will earn Moment player cards.

MyTeam recently kicked off with its 6th season Zero Gravity, but it's not too late to dive in and start building your ideal squad of NBA stars and legends. NBA 2K22 has players from various basketball eras, and the iconic mode now features MyTeam Draft, a multiplayer playable game in which players choose an entire roster of Player Cards to create their team.

There are many other modes available in NBA 2K22 as well, such as MyCareer an individual journey through your basketball career, as well as MyNBA The game's brand new franchise mode. For players using Xbox Series X|S Your MyCareer will be played in The City, a massive open-world where you can accomplish your goals and experience life as a NBA star. When you play on Xbox One, you'll set sail aboard the Cancha Del Mar cruise ship that will offer a variety basketball activities.

NBA 2K22 prides itself on its authenticity as a basketball simulator however, I'm not convinced that anyone thought of a year in which they Los Angeles Lakers, led by LeBron James, could not make the playoffs. Also, the Brooklyn Nets, with Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving were swept out of the first round. It's time to put the game in your own hands and play however you'd like to play and then step onto the court of NBA 2K22.If you want to know more about product information can go to
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