ATC7 發表於 2022-5-15 11:21


ah-b 發表於 2022-5-15 15:57


allen89 發表於 2022-5-15 16:57


yuppi 發表於 2022-5-15 22:48

allen89 發表於 2022-5-15 16:57


allen89 發表於 2022-5-15 23:22

yuppi 發表於 2022-5-15 22:48


yuppi 發表於 2022-5-16 15:42

小瑟 發表於 2022-5-14 16:42
其實上次已經有公司買咗佢哋嘅家庭影音部門, VOXX同SHARP合資呀。


Indianapolis, Ind. (September 9, 2021) — Premium Audio Company (PAC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of VOXX International and complete audio solutions provider, is pleased to announce that it, along with Sharp Corporation, created a joint venture and has acquired Onkyo’s home audio/video business, which includes the Onkyo and Integra brands. Onkyo and Integra have remained long-standing innovative leaders in the audio and video home entertainment industry.

PAC now owns approximately 75% of the newly created joint venture and will manage all product development, engineering, sales, marketing, and distribution of Onkyo’s home entertainment business. Sharp will continue to manufacture the products in their state-of-the-art Malaysian plant, as they have in the past, and focus on scaling its manufacturing lines and managing the supply chain to handle more anticipated production volume.

Expanding its portfolio even further, VOXX has signed a licensing agreement with Pioneer Corporation. Premium Audio Company will now market and sell the Pioneer and Pioneer Elite audio/video solutions worldwide, excluding the Peoples Republic of China, with manufacturing done by Sharp.

“Premium Audio Company, VOXX, Onkyo and Sharp worked together to complete a complicated asset acquisition,” said Paul Jacobs, President, and CEO of Premium Audio Company. “It is a strong statement about the power of this newly formed alliance. Combining the number one speaker brand in the world with the most technically sophisticated Japanese electronics brands ushers in a new era of design, innovation, and performance. We look forward to another 75 years of creating industry-leading products, profitability for our partners, and connecting people to their passion for entertainment.”

About Premium Audio Company:

Established in 2020, Premium Audio Company is the most innovative, complete, and premium audio solutions provider in consumer technology. We connect people to their passion for entertainment. Premium Audio Company is comprised of three subsidiaries and includes some of the most legendary and revered brands such as Klipsch, Jamo, Mirage, ProMedia, Magnat, Heco, Mac Audio, Onkyo, Pioneer, Pioneer Elite, Integra, Teac, and Esoteric.

About Onkyo

ONKYO is an organization consisting of people unsurpassed in the love of sound. We love our work, and that makes us perfectionists. We won’t settle for second best. We strive to complete what we have started. That’s the ONKYO spirit. For the past half-century ONKYO components have been recognized as uncommonly musical among those who are truly fanatical about their music. Our aim for the next century is a further refinement of our advanced music reproduction technology to create a new ONKYO that will become a more familiar name to people throughout the world.

MDLP 發表於 2022-5-16 21:17


yuppi 發表於 2022-5-16 21:42

MDLP 發表於 2022-5-16 21:17


孤身走我路 發表於 2022-5-17 08:45


gikifk 發表於 2022-5-17 09:32

結束就結束吧!如果我部安橋5010壞左,我就會買條Sound Bar算數,又阬地方又方便又平
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查看完整版本: ONKYO最終都係破產收場!!

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