avsuperman 發表於 2022-5-13 13:51

keeliu 發表於 2022-5-13 12:31
我都係掛牆,部機都係會好熱,我都怕咁貼牆點散熱,會唔會係靠成個框個d喇叭洞洞?? ...

無錯,因為我牆身後係瓷磚,有時開耐左瓷磚都微暖,所以一定要散熱空間,因為由55吋升上75吋,有更多miniLED燈,開冷氣係其中一方法,昨日去AV 乃睇,OLED同QLED的熱力不相伯仲,8K又比4K熱好多,玩家要留意

gamma 發表於 2022-5-13 16:35


Update 08/02/2021: We retested the peak brightness with the latest firmware, version 1511. It's considerably brighter in real content, as well as most larger scenes, but small highlights aren't as bright as before. During our test runs with the new firmware we encountered issues with overheating, and had to break up our tests and let the TV cool down between each run. It overheated to the point that it started to impact picture quality.

The Samsung QN900A has superb HDR brightness. However, it's not as good overall as on the Samsung QN800A 8k QLED. It gets bright enough to bring out highlights in HDR content, but as with SDR, the ABL is really aggressive, causing the screen to dim when displaying large areas of brightness. Also, as shown in the EOTF, the overall brightness of scenes is a bit brighter than it should be.

We measured HDR brightness before calibration in the 'Movie HDR' Picture Mode with Brightness and Contrast at max, Color Tone set to 'Warm2', Local Dimming on 'High', and all other image processing disabled.

If you want to make HDR even brighter, you can set Contrast Enhancer to 'High' and ST.2084 to max, which results in this EOTF. The brightest possible image we recorded was 3133 nits. To hit that, we used the 'Dynamic HDR' mode with both Local Dimming and Contrast Enhancer set to 'High'.

KinNg@G 發表於 2022-5-14 09:38

avsuperman 發表於 2022-5-13 13:51
無錯,因為我牆身後係瓷磚,有時開耐左瓷磚都微暖,所以一定要散熱空間,因為由55吋升上75吋,有更多mini ...

對, OLED 同 QLED 電視既 熱力都真係好高. 可能因為高階機種全部都係大W數, 功率轉換未優化得好好, 所以廢熱排放好多.聽聞新的LG G2加入了散熱裝置.唔知係加風扇定係有咩方案做被動散熱呢.

KinNg@G 發表於 2022-5-14 09:47

本帖最後由 KinNg@G 於 2022-5-14 09:53 編輯

avsuperman 發表於 2022-5-13 12:04
終於揾左C傅睇下熱度是否正常,8K正常比4K熱,加埋miniLED多左,無計,C傅話如果過熱或有LED壞,部機係會自 ...

8K 背後既LED 實際光度其實超過一萬nits. 只係因為要通過好多層高密度像素同透光板減弱左,
我反而擔心外置個one connect box會唔會過熱燒左D零件多D. 功率轉換, 畫質晶片都放晒係個BOX入面.
不過點都好, 三星設計一部咁極致既電視出黎, 如果預算接受到都值得一試既.

HDMI CEC 電視入面設定好似有得控制關左佢, 會唔會解決到?

KinNg@G 發表於 2022-5-14 09:49

gamma 發表於 2022-5-13 16:35

Update 08/02/2021: We re ...

'Dynamic HDR' mode, 我覺得三星電視除左果兩隻電影mode 既畫面正常D. 其餘既mode都過份味精.不過係8K咁高密度既畫面都可以輸出到成3000nits 的確係好強.

avsuperman 發表於 2022-5-14 10:45

KinNg@G 發表於 2022-5-14 09:47
8K 背後既LED 實際光度其實超過一萬nits. 只係因為要通過好多層高密度像素同透光板減弱左,
所以我地實際 ...


tonylkt23 發表於 2022-5-14 12:40

無Dolby vision 乜都係假

gamma 發表於 2022-5-14 15:06

KinNg@G 發表於 2022-5-14 09:49
'Dynamic HDR' mode, 我覺得三星電視除左果兩隻電影mode 既畫面正常D. 其餘既mode都過份味精.不過係8K ...

主要係背光嘅LED, 同4K/8K冇乜關係, 我估係三星特登唔用喺4K Model上面, 咁8K就可以賣貴啲

gamma 發表於 2022-5-15 18:09

gamma 發表於 2022-5-11 14:17
3* Panel同電視唔同公司.

聽聞qd-oled yield唔係太好, 應該攞唔到好多貨

原來yield已經去到75%, 實在太好消息


vincent369 發表於 2022-5-15 21:19

gamma 發表於 2022-5-15 18:09
原來yield已經去到75%, 實在太好消息

http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=909 ...


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查看完整版本: 由OLED4K 轉玩MiniLED 8K

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