JackSiHong@FB 發表於 2022-5-9 17:20

購買傑科增強版4KUHD藍光機好?還是買Sony 4KUHD藍光機好

小弟有諗住入手4K UHD藍光機,話說這兩個傑科增強版4KUHD藍光機同Sony 4KUHD藍光機 同樣都係睇歐美版全區甚至由有外掛中文字幕,價錢都係兩千幾蚊,咁兩部機應該買邊部會比較好?希望大家俾個方向的🙏

sammyho12 發表於 2022-5-10 00:48

本帖最後由 sammyho12 於 2022-5-10 01:12 編輯

before i also have this questions, panasonic ub450, sony x700, giec 5500 (3 choice 1), at last i bought giec-5500
1. Giec support all region (ub450, x700 support DVD "A" region, Blu-Ray "3" region, 4KUHD all code region)
2. chinese subtitles plug-in
3. hdmix2 for video and audio
I bought from FEB, use around 4 months, frequency to use almost everyday.

JackSiHong@FB 發表於 2022-5-10 02:26

sammyho12 發表於 2022-5-10 00:48
before i also have this questions, panasonic ub450, sony x700, giec 5500 (3 choice 1), at last i bou ...

Thank you for the direction you gave me, I will buy giec-5500 at an estimated time in the future🙏❤️

JackSiHong@FB 發表於 2022-5-10 02:29

sammyho12 發表於 2022-5-10 00:48
before i also have this questions, panasonic ub450, sony x700, giec 5500 (3 choice 1), at last i bou ...

The giec-5500 can watch full-area 4K and Blu-ray discs, which is really good.But there is a question I want to ask you, to see if there are hidden devices in the whole area to adjust the whole area?

sammyho12 發表於 2022-5-11 03:27

本帖最後由 sammyho12 於 2022-5-11 04:08 編輯

JackSiHong@FB 發表於 2022-5-10 02:29
The giec-5500 can watch full-area 4K and Blu-ray discs, which is really good.But there is a ques ...

I'm just have blu-ray A & C area disc, and 4KUHD, put disc then click play is ok, no need further any extra setting. And I try can direct play SACD disc.
And always watch file with chinese subtitles. 4TB & 5TB external Hard Disk can read normal on front panel USB 2.0, back side have 3.0 USB.
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查看完整版本: 購買傑科增強版4KUHD藍光機好?還是買Sony 4KUHD藍光機好

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