Capmitchel 發表於 2022-5-4 10:18

Av amp suggestion for PS5 Xbox series x

Spare me newbie asking for help…,hope some Chings can help advice…

- currently hv old 5.1 set up for years, pod speaker front, rear, and sub plus music pro centre, mainly for Netflix and gaming…

- Yet TV dead lately, just brought a LG G1, hope to play with PS5 and Xbox x…if want to ensure a comparable av amp for connecting the consoles to ensure it can reach to 4K/120hz, playing atoms, what amp is recommended?

- thinking Yamaha a2a or maranta 6015, but news are saying these amp can’t guarantee they are hdmi2.1 or 120hz supported, bug on chip issue, is that true and how can address the matter?

- cause budget constraint, cant upgrade all system…, hope these new av amp’s DTX Virtual Height function can help simulate the sound…, is that a fair expectation? Or must buy new speakers? If really hv to buy speakers?

Many thx for help, spare my stupid questions…

nippon 發表於 2022-5-4 10:25

Just share with you

6015 has bug issue before , don't know it is fixed or not!

Yamaha a2a should fullfill your base request!

Please check with following link!]]

Capmitchel 發表於 2022-5-4 10:39

nippon 發表於 2022-5-4 10:25
Just share with you

6015 has bug issue before , don't know it is fixed or not!

Many thx

From marantz product page it states that 6015 can handle 120 pass through…it bugs me what’s true…

From here, seems Yamaha also not guaranteed the bug is fixed…

From here, it states that a2a has no virtual height…

Omg…spare me

nippon 發表於 2022-5-4 10:42

It's so simple, if you have any doubts and troubles, you can give up this machine!There are other options!

Capmitchel 發表於 2022-5-4 10:45

nippon 發表於 2022-5-4 10:25
Just share with you

6015 has bug issue before , don't know it is fixed or not!

Many thx for the info, am thinking to go to shop and ask the, to show me whether their amp got this firmware updated or need to send back for board upgrade…but not sure they will show me and share me valid info…thx again

Capmitchel 發表於 2022-5-4 10:51

nippon 發表於 2022-5-4 10:42
It's so simple, if you have any doubts and troubles, you can give up this machine!There are other...

Any suggestions pls?

nippon 發表於 2022-5-4 10:52

I believe it is fair to compare 6015 with a4a

Capmitchel 發表於 2022-5-4 12:38

nippon 發表於 2022-5-4 10:52
I believe it is fair to compare 6015 with a4a

Believe so, thx
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