77756 發表於 2022-7-8 11:40

77756 發表於 2022-7-8 11:30
小弟自制一件Flying Suit跟大家分享!

U.S. Naval Aviator Program (2022)
Last Updated on July 4, 2022

Navy Pilots (or Naval Aviators) are in the center of the United States naval aviation team – A highly skilled team that is in charge of over 6,000 military aircrafts. As a Navy Pilot (Designator 1310), you will be part of an elite group of aviators who fly and fight in the world’s most technologically advanced aircrafts—sometimes from the deck of an aircraft carrier.

To do this job well, you will need critical thinking skills, unwavering determination and the strong will to persevere through the toughest challenges.

There are not a lot of jobs in the world that are even slightly more exciting than being a Navy Pilot.

Navy Pilots fly from different types of aircrafts to conduct critical missions around the world—most of the time on short notice.

The Navy has a wide variety of aircraft that are used for various purposes, including transport and combat roles.From jets, to helicopters and turbo-propeller or other tactical aircraft, the Navy aviation training pipeline is diverse enough to give you plenty of choices after completing primary flight training.

During advanced flight training:

You will learn technical and leadership skills specific to your aircraft such as air-to-air combat, bombing, search and rescue, aircraft carrier qualifications, over-water navigation, and low-level flying.

As a Navy Fighter Pilot, the sky is yours to dominate. Your missions are among the most daring and most important.Imagine yourself doing…

Complete complex air maneuvers while flying at Mach speeds.
Catapult off carriers at 170 mph and land on moving runways only 300 feet long.

Gather intel, drop ordnance and conduct defensive missions—all in the most versatile strike fighters on the planet, the F/A-18 Hornet and the cutting-edge F-35C Lightning II.

As a helicopter pilot, you’ll have the opportunity to fly different missions from the decks of several types of Navy ships with such missions as anti-submarine warfare or tracking potential enemies.

Helicopter pilots search for underwater mines, fly vertical replenishment missions, and conduct emergency search and rescue missions.

As a turbo-prop pilot, you may fly a multi-engine E-2C Hawkeye early-warning aircraft on a radar-surveillance warfare mission from either a carrier or shore station.

Turbo-prop pilots conduct some of the Navy’s most important missions including tracking submarines, surveillance, and collecting photographic intelligence.

Naval Aviator (Pilot) Training

As a Navy Pilot, you’re first a U.S. Naval Officer – then a Naval Aviator.So, the training pipeline starts at the Navy Officer Candidate School where you’ll be transformed into a Naval Officer.

You then transition to Flight School.The specifics will depend on your assigned aircraft platform.

1) Citizenship
You must be a United States citizen either by birth or naturalization.

2) Gender
The Navy Pilot program is open for both men and women.

3) Age
You must be at least 19 years old and must not be older than 32 years old upon commissioning. Navy Pilot age limit updated as of May 2022.

4) Education
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree from an accredited college or university.

5) Physical
You must be physically qualified and aeronautically adapted to engage in duties involving flying in line with the Navy physical standards. (20/20 Vision or better)

6) Aptitude
Aviation Selection Battery Test (ASTB) minimum qualifying scores are (as of May 2022):

Academic Qualifications Rating (AQR) – 4
Pilot Flight Aptitude Rating (PFAR) – 5

77756 發表於 2022-7-8 11:52

77756 發表於 2022-7-8 11:40
U.S. Naval Aviator Program (2022)
Last Updated on July 4, 2022


77756 發表於 2022-7-8 12:47

77756 發表於 2022-7-8 11:52



77756 發表於 2022-7-11 14:29

Need For More Speed: Miles Teller Reveals He’s In Talks With Tom Cruise For Top Gun 3 After ‘Maverick’ Tops $1bn At Box Office

Following the phenomenal success of Top Gun: Maverick at the international box office, one of its stars has revealed he has been “having some conversations” about a follow-up film.

Miles Teller, who plays Rooster, son of Maverick’s late best friend Goose, opposite Tom Cruise in the title role, told Entertainment Tonight: “I’ve been having some conversations with him about it. We’ll see.”

This news will delight fans who have surged to the cinema to watch the big-budget follow-up to the original 1986 film. Maverick just days ago saw its global box office fly past the $1billion mark and become the world’s highest-grossing film of the year, toppling Marvel adventure Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Teller added, though, the decision would inevitably be up to Cruise, who initially didn’t savour the prospect of making a sequel before bestowing his legendary commitment to the film.

“That would be great, but that’s all up to TC,” Teller said. “It’s all up to Tom.”

Meanwhile, Cruise remains hard at work on his latest Mission Impossible film, shooting scenes in London in between trips to watch the tennis at Wimbledon and the Rolling Stones in action in the capital’s Hyde Park.

其實我個人覺得Rooster本身個角色性格完全冇乜特別,根本唔適合做戰機機師,加上演員Miles Teller,得個樣似Goose之外,佢啲戲真係好渣!成套戲裏面最唔鍾意嘅演員! 就算真係有第三集千祈唔好用佢為中心!

77756 發表於 2022-7-14 11:04

上星期 Tom Cruise 60大壽,繼續拍攝MI7,相中見佢身形比起三年前拍攝Top Gun嘅時候有少少明顯發福,同埋面部皺紋多咗,有可能係髮型影響。

77756 發表於 2022-7-14 11:10

除咗Iron Man2我見過你之外我完全唔知你係乜水,話我井底之蛙都係咁話,Mickey 你收皮啦! 老鼠都出名過你!

77756 發表於 2022-7-14 19:14

Haha! 第三次上IMAX! 有冇一套戲可以有咁樣嘅記錄🤣🤣 唔到你唔服

77756 發表於 2022-7-15 07:07



77756 發表於 2022-7-27 07:23

26/8 4K Blu-ray 開賣!

77756 發表於 2022-7-27 08:49

77756 發表於 2022-7-27 07:23
26/8 4K Blu-ray 開賣!

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查看完整版本: Top Gun 2

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