buyo 發表於 2010-4-4 08:42

日元11,040 set 平唔平呀﹖

digiman 發表於 2010-4-7 13:39

HK listed price is at $ !!*) according to the test report
made by Chinese HiFi Review May issue available today.
Discount price should be close to Japan price depending
on exchange rate (but Yen is dropping these few days).

digiman 發表於 2010-4-7 13:57

回復 13# buyo

I am afraid your price Yen 11,040 comes from Yen 11,600 after tax
but this kind of accessories are not within tax exemption for foreign
passport holder.

buyo 發表於 2010-4-18 23:19


10bucks360 發表於 2010-4-19 01:15


francis_leung21 發表於 2010-4-19 03:31

其實日本做既一套呢D 一千幾百...效果都唔錯架....

buyo 發表於 2010-4-20 10:26


digiman 發表於 2010-4-22 00:14

"忍唔住買咗", me too ! Good effect as mentioned by xlarge ching.
Sound relatively more sharp, solid and less background noise.

digiman 發表於 2010-4-22 00:16

回復 19# buyo

It should be good if you put four of them directly under the original CD player's feet.

digiman 發表於 2010-4-22 01:20

等左成兩個幾月終於等到INS-BS到手....可以配合埋原先買落INS-CF用,尋晚試左一陣,二合一用令到毛噪感大減( ...
xlarge 發表於 2010-3-30 07:47

Xlarge ching, may I know where do you buy the
separate INS-BS only (NOT the limited one with CF )
and how much?
頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: Oyaide INS-CF INS-BS

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