akakpk 發表於 2022-4-25 20:35

Yoshiki2008 發表於 2022-4-25 19:51
4700 應該有pre out功能


amb86 發表於 2022-4-28 14:51

I have also debated between 3700 and 4700 before, but I am so glad I paid more and went with 4700. Why? Because of Auro3D upmixing. In the same machine and same setup, Auro3D upmixing is SOOOO MUUCH better than native ATMOS. I do Auro3D upmixing even to native ATMOS content, and it works better 90% of the time to streaming content from Netflix/Disney+/AppleTV+.

Overnite007 發表於 2022-4-28 23:02

amb86 發表於 2022-4-28 14:51
I have also debated between 3700 and 4700 before, but I am so glad I paid more and went with 4700. W ...

Then I need to try try.
if the movie has atmos, i listen using native atmos mode and have not tried to listen using auro. If better then should try.

amb86 發表於 2022-4-30 18:57

Overnite007 發表於 2022-4-28 23:02
Then I need to try try.
if the movie has atmos, i listen using native atmos mode and have not trie ...

Much better! I haven't done scientific testing my the immersive-ness is significantlt better, albeit you lose some accuracy as some of the ear lvl effects got shifted to height channel. But i would gladly take this tradeoff.
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