avsuperman 發表於 2022-4-11 23:39

sam2004 發表於 2022-4-11 15:43
仲以為係喺Netflix搵到套Atmos乜嘢嘢表現有驚喜呢. ...


avsuperman 發表於 2022-4-11 23:42

Arowana 發表於 2022-4-11 16:13
多謝師兄提供資訊,多月前已看過,但沒有說明如何使用我所指的問題,另外小米6和至尊版是有分別的,喇叭數 ...


Arowana 發表於 2022-4-11 23:49

本帖最後由 Arowana 於 2022-4-12 00:02 編輯

avsuperman 發表於 2022-4-11 23:42
配條靚soundbar會有驚喜,我部電視無記錯可做到6.2聲效,但始終係電視聲,貼牆更影響低音,玩SB就可以用 ...

Soundbar用開SONY HT-ST5000,準備升級同廠A7000或Klipsch Cinema 1200{:1_245:}呢兩支人聲夠厚,Samsung Q950A就無敵性價比,每個brand都有自己風格,包圍感呢家嘢可以微調,以聲底及功能行先,或者有冇其他介紹?

yuppi 發表於 2022-4-12 00:18


Arowana 發表於 2022-4-12 00:24

本帖最後由 Arowana 於 2022-4-12 00:36 編輯

yuppi 發表於 2022-4-12 00:18
曾經有大陸用家拆解過小米,其實所有小米電視個盒都有寫到係由tcl代工,小米最高級嘅版本等於tcl嘅中階版 ...


kingyan 發表於 2022-4-12 00:40


35ti 發表於 2022-4-12 09:40

Samsung Electronics and LG Display’s ongoing negotiation over the supply of TV OLED panels was focused on budge OLED panels, TheElec has learned.

Samsung, the world’s largest TV manufacturer by revenue, is launching OLED TVs this year after a 9-year hiatus and is procuring OLED panels from Samsung Display and LG Display.

In its negotiation with LG Display, Samsung is focused on procuring LG Display’s M series of OLED panels, its lowest-tier offering.

LG Display’s TV OLED panels come in three series: R, P and M. R is the premium series and the panels offer a brightness of 200nit. P and M series each offer 180nit and 150nit, respectively.

Samsung wants the cheapest series out of the three to increase its profitability as much as possible, sources said.

Display panels account for one-third of the cost to make TV sets: Samsung is confident that it can use its position as the world’s top TV brand to push as many units as possible while using the cheapest OLED panels available, the sources said.

LG Electronics, meanwhile, currently uses all three series of OLED panels provided by LG Display.

Meanwhile, Samsung has also asked LG Display whether it was possible for them to develop a more affordable version of its R series of panels, which has 200nit brightness.

However, sources said LG Display could refuse this request as it has been selling R series panels to LG Electronics and Sony at a high price tag.

Arowana 發表於 2022-4-12 09:58

35ti 發表於 2022-4-12 09:40
Samsung Electronics and LG Display’s ongoing negotiation over the supply of TV OLED panels was focu ...

Thank you for your information.

sam2004 發表於 2022-4-12 10:57

avsuperman 發表於 2022-4-11 23:39
我同三星SB950A配N900A,睇電視劇如開門的左面定位,飛車從右至左,唱歌的包圍感,有時都會令我驚訝d聲可 ...


avsuperman 發表於 2022-4-12 11:38

sam2004 發表於 2022-4-12 10:57
我都係三叔配SB950A,可能真係太耐冇睇電視,一般都係睇Netflix同埋迪迪尼比較多,感覺唔到而家的電視有 ...

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查看完整版本: 小米6至尊版OLED

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