mtyo 發表於 2010-3-28 19:10

Elac FS 247 v Dali Ikon 6

Would be grateful if can have some advise
Looking to buy a set of speakers, as part of a surround set.
70% for movies, 30% music
which would be better?
I have listened to the Dali and thought they are nice with films, not had a chance to try the elac yet but got suggested to me
Many thanks in advance for any opinion and advise!
(the room is around 28 ft x 14ft)

ricoy288 發表於 2010-3-28 19:14

what pre amp are u using?

yr living room is so big.{:6_193:}

mtyo 發表於 2010-3-28 19:20

As I am buying whole set, I have not bought amp yet
I am hoping to get as few pieces as possible
currently looking at onkyo txNR 3007
will it work?

guetta 發表於 2010-3-28 19:28

Would be grateful if can have some advise
Looking to buy a set of speakers, as part of a surround se ...
mtyo 發表於 2010-3-28 19:10


mtyo 發表於 2010-3-28 19:33

I have not listened to the elacs yet in a home cinema setting
I only tested the dali ikon 6 vs B&W and thought for my need, mainly for movies, the Dali was a better choice
I have not tried helicons, much more expensive?
and the elacs be good as a home cinema?

mstephen 發表於 2010-3-28 20:13

Elac is very good for movie.

guetta 發表於 2010-3-28 20:30

I have not listened to the elacs yet in a home cinema setting
I only tested the dali ikon 6...
mtyo 發表於 2010-3-28 19:33

睇電影相信dali會爆D(for movie dali ikon is very good),elac會比較溫文D

mtyo 發表於 2010-3-28 20:57

睇電影相信dali會爆D(for movie dali ikon is very good),elac會比較溫文D
anyway你都係親身聽下會較好{: ...
guetta 發表於 2010-3-28 20:30

I did like the ikon 6 very much when I tried.
Whereas the Elac are a bit more expensive,so unless it is much better than the Dali, I think the Dalis would be my current choice.
My current idea:
amp: Onkyo TX NR 3007
front speakers: Dali ikon 6
centre: ikon vokal 2
Rear: Ikonwall
satellite: Dali Lektor 1 x 4
Projector: panasonic AE4000
Screen: OS
Subwoofer: Klipsch RW12D

Any suggestions on what else I can try in similar price range?

lemiball 發表於 2010-3-28 21:15

Elac的反應其實很快, 要爆的話, 無邊隻amp可以完全handle佢, 你俾幾多佢, 佢都可以完全接受, 音樂感更加係一隻full range同靚聲

avlam 發表於 2010-3-28 22:01

I did like the ikon 6 very much when I tried.
Whereas the Elac are a bit more expensive,so unles ...
mtyo 發表於 2010-3-28 20:57

    CHING 呢套組合我都幾鍾意,尢其係ONKYO 3007同 DALI ikon 嘅級數相近!
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