day2013 發表於 2022-3-19 16:50

《阿媽有咗第二個》毛舜筠, 姜濤, 柳應廷

導演 : 彭秀慧

主演 : 毛舜筠, 姜濤, 柳應廷, 岑珈其

香港上映日期: 2022年

    MEI-FUNG (Teresa MO Shun Kwan) was once a top artiste manager and helped produce some of the biggest stars for her record label but she quit when she got pregnant. After years of living as a housewife, distance has grown between herself and her husband and her 17-year-old son HIN is about to study abroad, and this prompts her to re-enter the entertainment world. It's impossible at first but a chance encounter with CHING, a delivery boy at a local cafe, introduces her to a talented singer and he reignites Mei-fung's spark. With her connections and his raw talent, the public soon fall in love with him but as her career rises again, her son Hin only sees a caring mother become a career-driven stranger, a feeling furthered when their family falls apart and Ching enters the scene and a rivalry develops between Hin and Ching......


補充內容 (2022-7-4 13:25):
香港上映日期: 2022年08月11日

day2013 發表於 2022-3-19 16:50


day2013 發表於 2022-6-1 12:42

本帖最後由 day2013 於 2022-6-1 12:43 編輯


day2013 發表於 2022-6-2 13:10

day2013 發表於 2022-7-4 13:31

本帖最後由 day2013 於 2022-8-11 05:55 編輯

day2013 發表於 2022-7-21 14:54

day2013 發表於 2022-8-8 21:23

本帖最後由 day2013 於 2022-8-19 21:40 編輯

day2013 發表於 2022-8-13 22:05

以下3 場 【導演 + 毛舜筠】
11:55AM | Movie Town (沙田) | 3院
1:55PM | 英皇戲院 (荃灣荃新天地) | 5院
3:25PM | 巴黎倫敦紐約米蘭 | 3院

以下3場 【導演 + ?】
4:15PM | 英皇戲院 (屯門新都商場) | 1院
5:30PM | 凱都 | 1院
7:20PM | StagE | 4院

day2013 發表於 2022-8-16 19:14

day2013 發表於 2022-8-17 10:31
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查看完整版本: 《阿媽有咗第二個》毛舜筠, 姜濤, 柳應廷

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