Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 06:13

Is this your US home? So envy! Can play projector la!
djaddy 發表於 2010-4-4 06:01

My son is only 13 yrs old. He is so messy. When he gets to the U, I'll reno my house and install the projector, of course. Thank you!

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 08:07


講吓笑姐, Showroom邊有禁正呀.
gkfp 發表於 2010-4-1 12:26


djaddy 發表於 2010-4-4 08:57

My son is only 13 yrs old. He is so messy. When he gets to the U, I'll reno my house and install t ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 06:13

How do u protect your gear fr the kid when hewas younger? I am a 5 month old & I need to plan ahead. thx.

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 10:12

How do u protect your gear fr the kid when hewas younger? I am a 5 month old & I need to plan ah ...
djaddy 發表於 2010-4-4 08:57

    Hi, I am the kid of Big_McIn. I broke the grille of the speakers and the speaker cable when I was 3 years old. {:6_132:} This is Big_McIn's expression when I broke his stuff.

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 10:15

How do u protect your gear fr the kid when hewas younger? I am a 5 month old & I need to plan ah ...
djaddy 發表於 2010-4-4 08:57

So it's a hard job to protect your gear unless your wife can stay home when your kid starts to walk.{:6_142:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-4-4 10:17

So it's a hard job to protect your gear unless your wife can stay home when your kid starts to wal ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 10:15

Do you think doors on the tv cabinet will help, Mc hing?

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 10:19

Do you think doors on the tv cabinet will help, Mc hing?
djaddy 發表於 2010-4-4 10:17

Yes, it does. Esp. the grille. They must be on your spks no matter your kid will break it or not.

djaddy 發表於 2010-4-4 10:22

Yes, it does. Esp. the grille. They must be on your spks no matter your kid will break it or not. ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 10:19

I am currently working on a design of my tv cabinet (made from solid wood). I am still thinking how to attach a door or some sort of cover to it. {:6_136:}

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-4-4 13:33

I am currently working on a design of my tv cabinet (made from solid wood). I am still thinking ho ...
djaddy 發表於 2010-4-4 10:22

Go to the library and get some idea over there.

One more point I would like to let you know that I remember your spks are on the stand. It would be safe when your son starts to walk and grab items from the top.

CrazyBull 發表於 2010-4-4 22:09


Best Buy就無B & W 8系,代理就有哩,好似在港都要去美麗華揾Peter Chan。

McIntosh在北美是美元 ...
Big_McIn 發表於 4/4/2010 05:52 AM
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查看完整版本: 玩盡全球電力 click P. 4 09-04-2010更新

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