MK150 配 Yamaha Z11
請教各位師兄本人玩MK150 配Denon4308
想換Yamaha Z11唔知掂唔掂?{:4_61:} 我都是用Denon 和MK S150,搭單問:換Yamaha Z7,大家點睇? 本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-3-27 03:21 編輯
if you have buget for z11 , why not z7 add a $20000 power amp ? intergrated av amp won't control that good since you are talking $40000 buget , i will expect price = performance.mk150 was not easy to push , it will sound but not the real performance .add power amp will improve a lot, i will suggest pre + power amp since you are talking about $40000 . 我作為十多年y仔用戶,咁m得咁橋又系用緊4308a推m&k s150,睇法同樓上orpheuslau c-hing相近 本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-3-27 13:09 編輯
40000 have a lot of choice .....z11 money not = perfomance {:6_222:}
the speaker will speaker loud nomatter what ,just not the real dynamic ,i have 2 friends using mk speaker ,may be u can ask them for some idea,one of them using 886 with parasound a51 and mk 2510 names tuktuk in 76,and the other c hing was hkp1196 ,hes using denon avca1hd .and hes using whole set mk150 as well .they are really nice helper here .u can ask if they can give you some idea .
i will suggest cary 11a $25000 with 15000 power amp with real balance and u will see the differenet using the same price .
i m a new guy too ...but there 's a lot of c hing very helpful here ,i have been think of upgrade z11 before i knew them , and i just passed the path and i really hope u won't waste money like me .buying and buying every time ,i pefer the lowest buget to get the greatest performance .{:6_143:} 不過Z11既11.2如果用得著的話,相信係買佢o既最大原因. 多謝
但睇完論壇元老 hkp1196 師兄的報告
又身痕想被人打 心口
但天龍包圍感好似無Y記襟好 但低頻一流
YAMAHA包圍感一流 但無襟好力
點好 !
多謝各位師兄 本帖最後由 Ep-71 於 2010-3-28 18:26 編輯
吾好跑題啦... {:6_136:} ..
其實我以前都都係用Y記由 DSP-1000 / 2070 / 3090 / A2 /AX1/4600/AZ9.. 一直都不離不棄..
道理上而家絕對系應該用緊 Z7之類..而吾糸4308A..(吾好誤會..我吾糸覺得天龍特別好...事關時到今日我都重未識得點玩好D佢..只不過因為買機當日..我問過 n 咁多人都糸叫我試下用天龍去夾MK..)
至于當日我放棄吾用Y仔或安橋主因...系因為上次入左套Rotel 1095 前后級返來而起.. {:6_150:}
{:6_146:} 唉~!!! 多謝
但睇完論壇元老 hkp1196 師兄的報告
又身 ...
fu97806216 發表於 28/3/2010 12:09 AM
冇力{:6_141:} 咁加部後級啦{:6_222:} 吾好跑題啦.....
其實我以前都都係用Y記由 DSP-1000 / 2070 / 3090 / A2 /AX1/4600/AZ9.. 一 ...
Ep-71 發表於 2010-3-28 18:21
其實DENON, ONKYO, YAMAHA, PIONEER都有好多人話夾M&K, 其實會唔會係調返轉M&K易夾到AMP呢?{:6_188:}