ManMan@FB 發表於 2022-2-17 11:56

Sennheiser HD560S vs Sony M1ST ???!!!

本帖最後由 ManMan@FB 於 2022-2-17 14:11 編輯

用了多年的 AKG K272HD 想升級
要 Closed Back
家用,聽 Hi-Res,
Alternative Rock, Pop Rock, ACG 等等類型
睇 Netflix, 玩下錄音, 打機

1. Sony CD900ST (價錢 ~1500)
而且近來看 YouTube 的 First Take, 就很有衝動把它入手

2. Sony M1ST (價錢 ~3200)
CD100ST 的改版升級款,在各方面都有升級,Sony 為 Hi-Res 市場,期盼定下新的業界標準
掛著日本 Hi-Res 工業標準這個名號,有很大的吸引力

3. Sennheiser HD560S (~1600)
HD6xx 系列已經非常出名
5xx 系列有 Closed Back 款式 HD560S,


pallin 發表於 2022-2-17 18:14

CD900st 好冷,係錄音室好工具,不過冇低音。買嚟聽會好悶,但係值得入手。可以係耳機收藏之一但唔係唯一

ManMan@FB 發表於 2022-2-17 18:52

pallin 發表於 2022-2-17 18:14
CD900st 好冷,係錄音室好工具,不過冇低音。買嚟聽會好悶,但係值得入手。可以係耳機收藏之一但唔係唯一 ...

岩岩試左 CD900ST

M1ST, HD560S 就冇 sample 試了 🥲

小瑟 發表於 2022-2-17 19:25

pallin 發表於 2022-2-17 18:14
CD900st 好冷,係錄音室好工具,不過冇低音。買嚟聽會好悶,但係值得入手。可以係耳機收藏之一但唔係唯一 ...

非常同意, 呢隻真係入來當做野都抵, 難得經典但仲有得買, 我都想買返隻~

ManMan@FB 發表於 2022-2-17 20:10

小瑟 發表於 2022-2-17 19:25
非常同意, 呢隻真係入來當做野都抵, 難得經典但仲有得買, 我都想買返隻~

聽 The First Take, 真係會覺得買番黎擺都抵... {:1_262:}

M1ST 出左, CD900ST 都繼續賣緊...
睇 SONY 定位
Studio 會俾 Artist 用 CD900ST Mon 自己既聲 (多年來用黎做人聲既參考)
Musician/Mixer 就用 M1ST (各方面比較全面)

KimKowng@FB 發表於 2022-2-24 11:07


ManMan@FB 發表於 2022-3-2 04:55

本帖最後由 ManMan@FB 於 2022-3-2 05:00 編輯

KimKowng@FB 發表於 2022-2-24 11:07
Sennheiser就沒聽 ...

Sennheiser 隻 HD560S 原來係 open back

依家諗緊 Sony 1AM2 or M1ST
1AM2 係 LCP振膜配鍍層, M1ST 係 PET材料振膜
1AM2 平 1k

睇完架仔 REVIEW 都係好難選擇.....

Not a professional but an ordinary person.
I have been using the MDR-1AM2 for a while, and my main impression is that it is compared with this.
About MDR-M1ST, it is an impression that I used it for about 2 weeks.
It is not possible to make a direct comparison because the impedance is different, but I will write it by experience.

The latest 1A series, not the current one, but the previous design is almost the same.
Neither good nor bad.
The direction of swiveling is the opposite of the general model, but I personally like this one.

Compared to 1AM2, it does not appear, if it says, it does not appear.
It feels different from any HiRes compatible headphones.
However, it is not that it is not out, but it is
compared with 1AM2 which is colored to some extent as listening headphones.

M1ST is superior to 1AM2, and I think this is where the difference is large.
The midrange comes out very naturally, and I think that this point is truly monitor headphones.

I don't feel much difference from 1AM2. The natural appearance of the bass range is the beauty of 1AM2, so
I feel that it is moderate.

It is flat like a monitor, and I feel that it is different from general headphones that emphasize HiRes.
It's a memory from a long time ago, so it's ambiguous and influenced by many people's descriptions, but unlike the CD900ST, I don't feel that there is a particularly high range.
However, the CD900ST has the impression that it was never flat, so it may be better than the CD900ST as a monitor headphone that produces pure sound on average.
It was said that the CD900ST will continue to be sold together, but from an amateur's point of view, the necessity and meaning can be imagined.

sound is close, and personally, I think that the sound from which one is coming from will raise the bar to 1AM2. However, it is much easier to listen to each note one by one with M1ST. This point is also a monitor.

Compared to 1AM2, the high frequency range is not so high, so the resolution is not so high when you listen to it.
However, since the sounds are close to each other, the resolution in terms of distinguishing sounds in a monitor sense, searching for unknown sounds, and searching for coarse sounds is much better than 1AM2. It makes me tired when compared.

I used to own the CD900ST for a while, but I feel that it has improved significantly since then.
It's not particularly heavy, and the lateral pressure isn't too strong, so I feel it's appropriate from the beginning.
However, since the ear pads are thin from the 1A system, the outer ear will come into contact with the baffle and it will hurt if worn for a long time.
In this regard, the 1AM2 for the general public is very well made, very lightweight, the ear pads are reasonably thick, and there is no baffle contact with the outer ear.

I don't think it's particularly bad, but due to the thickness of the ear pads, the M1ST is inferior to the 1AM2 in terms of sealing, and you can hear the outside sound.

Similar to the above, I think it is within the average range for headphones, but it leaks when compared to 1AM2.
However, I don't think it's something that is actively used outside, so I think it's acceptable.

Since it is a swivel, it does not take up much space, but it does not come with a storage bag.
I think this is not a problem because it is not something that is actively used outside.

I mentioned what I felt compared to 1AM2, but in
M1ST is for professionals only, and among them, functional improvements compared to CD900ST and modern sound It is a relatively well-balanced monitor headphone that can be reproduced without making it messy,
1AM2 is only for the general public, it is easy to understand HiRes, it does not get tired even if it is used for a long time, it has a
natural feeling and listening I felt that it was a listening headphone made for sound.
Obviously, headphones have their uses.

Compared to the CD900ST, the M1ST can be used for listening much
more, but I think that the 1AM2 is simply easier for listening and you can listen to the sound more comfortably without thinking about difficult things.
When an amateur owns M1ST and 1AM2, M1ST, when he wants to feel the intention of the creator firmly in front of him when it comes to this.
In addition, I think that 1AM2 is suitable for general listening purposes such as listening to music with a feeling of turning over comfortably, listening at work, and watching videos somehow.
This is also natural considering the use of monitors and listening.

I wrote that the M1ST is not very useful, but
it may be natural for amateurs if they have other listening headphones.
However, I don't think it's bad to have one monitor headphone for reference purposes and what it means to be average, and I think it's a modern monitor headphone that has no complaints about its use. increase.

Also, if one monitor headphone is used for various purposes such as listening, I feel that it is definitely more suitable for listening than many monitor headphones. (I personally don't recommend this use very much.)

I also wrote a review of 1AM2, but 1AM2 has a slightly higher-pitched sound, so depending on whether it is accepted or not, it can be used as listening headphones. I think comfort will change. If it matches, it is comfortable to wear.

ManMan@FB 發表於 2022-3-4 22:31

Listening Headphone 有好多選擇
想聽準確既錄音 ,同埋 First Take 既加乘
最後,揀左 M1ST 🤣

ManMan@FB 發表於 2022-3-4 23:25

本帖最後由 ManMan@FB 於 2022-3-4 23:30 編輯

題外話,依家 d 廠家成日拎 Immersive Sound Experience 黎講…
咁買左隻新 M1ST 順便試試佢啦

主要有三隻 DSP
1. Windows Sonic for Headphones
2. Dolby Atmos for Headphones
3. DTS Headphone:X

三隻 DSP, 買左兩隻,一隻係 Free

Windows Sonic,無任何 setting
唔使錢 Free 既

Dolby Atmos, Music Mode EQ Off
講得最行既一隻 DSP
Atmos Soundbar 出到成行成市
PC 上佢就有隻 Headphone Version

DTS, Spacious Spatial Mode

Off > DTS > Windows Sonic > Dolby Atmos

DTS > Windows Sonic > Off > Dolby Atmos

Seriously Listening 都係 Off 左 Spatial Mode…
DTS 幾好聽, 最 Immersive👍
Dolby Atmos 有 d 搵笨, Gimmick 野 😂

KimKowng@FB 發表於 2022-3-16 10:46

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