Apple TV 4K(Netflix)
想問下有冇師兄用apple tv 4k開Netflix 淨係出到5.1?冇atmos?小弟開電視內置app嘅Netflix(圖1)係出到4K HDR (我用緊Samsung Q70r),出到atmos;反而用apple tv 4k 開Netflix(圖2)就顯示出到vision 同5.1,個Vision一定係假啦,但最初買返嚟嗰陣時係顯示出到 vision 同 atmos,但係依家Atmos變左5.1,有冇師兄都係咁?有冇方法搞搞佢可以出返Atmos? What is your apple TV version, if it is 4K generation, check your apple tv setting, Video setting -> Change format should be "N" which means the default is atmos. If yes, it will show digital doby only ( I cannot exact remember the setting, check by yourself ) tcflex 發表於 2022-2-15 21:17
What is your apple TV version, if it is 4K generation, check your apple tv setting, Video setting -> ...
Thx bro,I will try it