KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-26 15:20

$5K Subwoofer options

Hi Ching(s),

Due to the size / $ limitation, I would like to spend ~$5K for subwoofer, I got the idea:

1)Energy ESW-M8
2)SunFire HRS-8
3)Energy ESW-M6 x 2

I did consider other 10" woofer but either the $ or size may not fit (Velodyne CHT-10Q too big, Sunfire HRS-10 too expensive).

I want to know if 2x of Energy ESW-MM6 can be better than 8" or 10" woofer?If I can using Onkyo 906, how to connect it?

In short - worth to spend the extra $ for HRS-8 or 2x M6?Or - just go ahead to buy 1x ESW-M8?

magkids 發表於 2010-3-26 15:29

{:1_335:}m&k KX12

KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-26 15:38

回復 2# magkids

    the size is too big to fit...............same problem as CHT-10Q{:1_349:}

randyma 發表於 2010-3-26 15:41

It is not good to spend money for 2xM6. Because of limit on area, you only choose ESW8. If you have extra money to buy HR8. HR8 is better than ESW8 a little.

randyma 發表於 2010-3-26 15:42

You can go to Ah 2 to listen HR8 and M8 and compare which one is your cup of tea.

KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-26 15:46

Thanks again Randyma CHing from here!

so you don't see the the real benefit of:

1) 2x of ESW-M6, it is not going to improve quantity & quality of Bass?
2) the improvement from HRS-8 is not signifcant and not worth to spend additional $1.5K - $2K (I know you tell me before from other thread)?

You see, I really want to maximize the quality based on the space / $ limitation.

darren14 發表於 2010-3-26 15:47

你諗得HRS8 / Energy ESW-M6 x 2 ~ 就不如上HRS10/12啦~差1K/2K ONLY

randyma 發表於 2010-3-26 15:49

你諗得HRS8 / Energy ESW-M6 x 2 ~ 就不如上HRS10/12啦~差1K/2K ONLY
darren14 發表於 2010-3-26 15:47

I agree

randyma 發表於 2010-3-26 15:51

Thanks again Randyma CHing from here!

so you don't see the the real benefit of:

1) 2x of ESW-M6, ...
KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-26 15:46

If you have money to buy 2XM6-It is more than 5K, you should buy 1 HR 10.

KMD7D 發表於 2010-3-26 16:18

But I thought HRS-10 is $7100................
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