Happy89 發表於 2022-6-15 10:28

kingyan 發表於 2022-6-14 18:51
其實都冇乜事用心得, 因為簡單易用, 最緊要係佢好穩定

因我未玩過這類播放器,眾多牌子不知怎樣選擇?現我用NAS去203睇片的 。

kingyan 發表於 2022-6-15 17:42

Happy89 發表於 2022-6-15 10:28
因我未玩過這類播放器,眾多牌子不知怎樣選擇?現我用NAS去203睇片的 。 ...


kingyan 發表於 2022-6-15 17:58

Happy89 發表於 2022-6-15 10:28
因我未玩過這類播放器,眾多牌子不知怎樣選擇?現我用NAS去203睇片的 。 ...

好老實Zappiti 係比較貴, 但效果真的好很多

Happy89 發表於 2022-6-16 09:15

kingyan 發表於 2022-6-15 17:58
好老實Zappiti 係比較貴, 但效果真的好很多

師兄 請問如購買Reference,會比203聲畫好多少?如rip外語碟是否有自動對應中字幕這功能?準確程度如何?

hatori 發表於 2022-6-16 11:59

我有d迷思。。。。自己有用開NAS聴歌、對Zapiti NAS有d興趣、但係睇個價有d貴。。。。到底自己切NAS玩再用Zappiti機Player有無Zapiti NAS効果?

gamma 發表於 2022-6-16 13:48

hatori 發表於 2022-6-16 11:59
我有d迷思。。。。自己有用開NAS聴歌、對Zapiti NAS有d興趣、但係睇個價有d貴。。。。到底自己切NAS玩再用 ...

Zapiti NAS有咩効果?

hatori 發表於 2022-6-16 14:02

gamma 發表於 2022-6-16 13:48
Zapiti NAS有咩効果?


kingyan 發表於 2022-7-12 15:27

有正式版Firmware version 220709

Changes in version 220709

This release is strictly identical to Beta 220607 except for the following:

1. Improved translations of different languages.
2. Added Portuguese language.

Online Installation Procedure:
1.Connect your Zappiti to Internet.
2. Turn-ON your Zappiti.
3. A pop-up window should appear. Follow the on-screen procedure.

Changes in version 220607 (beta)

1. Add chapter navigation in DVD during playback.
2. Turn the HDDs in Sleep Mode after some time when the HDDs are not used (for instance, when playing streaming video).
3. Add new options for the OLED display:
- Time elapsed
- Time left
- Big title, elapsed and total time
- Big title, elapsed time and remaining time
- Title small, elapsed and total time
- Small title, elapsed time and remaining time
- Clock
4. More volume positions in the volume control (32 positions instead of 16).
5. Improved player startup.
6. Fix the Arabic subtitle display (separated letters issue).
7. Add Fast Forward and Fast Rewind with Up and Down arrows buttons of the RC.
8. Fix for HDR problem with movies mastered in HDR4000 and HDR10000 (4,000 and 10,000 Nits).
9. Fix for Thai subtitle problem (letters too small and numbers too big).
10. Widescreen 2.35:1 mode for the general interface including the homepage, the settings and the info during playback (overlay). The user can enable it in Setup / Appearance. To set the Widescreen mode in Zappiti Video, open the app Zappiti Video, go to Settings > Tools > Theme > Theme variation.
11. Fixed translations of different languages.
12. Fixed a clipping issue that could occur on DTS-HD MA audio tracks.
13. Fixed a maximum sound volume issue that could occur when starting the player.
14. Improvement of the direct output function.
- 720p23/24 content -> 1080p23/24 (instead of 3:2 pulldown frequency conversion to 720p59/60).
- 720p25 content -> Conversion to 720p50 (double frequency instead of upscaling to 1080p25).
15. Adding various codes for future Zappiti Video features.
16. Fixed an issue with the contrast setting that displayed an incorrect value when restarting a video.
17. Fixed an audio/video desynchronization issue that could occur in some cases when playing audio via Bluetooth or USB audio.
18. Fixed a streaming video playback crash issue that could occur when resuming playback after pausing on some Android apps.
19. Improved CEC support.
20. Fixed an ExFAT partition formatting issue that could occur on large volumes.
21. Improved general Android app support.
22. Improved sound support for Android apps.
23. Fixed rare player crash issues (reboot) that could occur when stopping videos from playing.
24. Various fixes and general performance improvements.

Installation procedure:
1. Download the file according to your Zappiti model.
2. Place the file on a USB flash drive.
3. Connect the drive to your Zappiti.
4. Turn-ON your Zappiti.
5. Open Zappiti Explorer.
6. Open the drive.
7. Open the firmware file and follow the on screen procedure.

gamma 發表於 2022-7-15 10:14

hatori 發表於 2022-6-16 14:02


利辛: 我冇特登去搵, 呢幾日看了一些關於Nas片, YouTube就自己彈出嚟

Diazico 發表於 2022-8-13 19:17

kingyan 發表於 2022-4-1 00:50
終於有人了解我 , 未用過真係會覺得我吹大, 用過只會講點解咁遲先買佢 ...

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